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Chapter 86 – Recruitment

After three months of what can only be described as hell, each of us were assigned to different duty stations.

The military, after examining each of our aptitudes, assigned us new recruits to the most suitable departments.

However, even there, we could not escape discrimination.

Assignments were biased in that Black hairs were stationed in relatively safe regions near Earth, while white hairs were usually assigned to the front lines, fighting the United Planets' Army.

On the front lines, fierce battles with the United Planets' Army were fought every day.

While it's true that the Earthen forces were vastly superior in both quality and quantity, the United Planets' Army were no fools.

Understanding the futility of direct confrontation, the United Planets' opted for guerilla tactics, aggressively striking the Earthen forces' extensive supply lines.

As a result, a considerable number of Earth soldiers die before even reaching the front lines.

Furthermore, supply-starved fleets have begun to appear among Earth's ranks. Rumor has it that in the worst fleets, white hairs aren't even provided with proper food rations.

Most white hairs are sent to these dangerous fronts.

However, exceptions exist.

Surprisingly, a few of us, including me, were assigned to a department on Earth.

Upon hearing this, we were ecstatic, thinking things like,

"Now we don't have to worry about getting killed!"

We rejoiced, hugging each other with tears in our eyes; and yet, reality was a cruel thing.

We were assigned to the "Recruitment Center."

Yes, I became a military recruiter.

When I first visited the center, a black-haired officer, my superior, threw a heavy bag at me.

"There's a manual in the bag. Take. Memorize it. Then, go find some new recruits."

He then began playing card games with his fellow black-haired officers.

Naturally, many homunculi existed at the center, but it's the humans that recruit other humans.

The reason for this is simple.

Between being recruited by a fellow human or a homunculus, most people would be more moved by the human.

If the recruiter seems desperate, it becomes that much easier to obtain contracts.

That is why the recruitment is done by humans.

I head over to my desk in the corner of the center and check the bag.

Inside were various pamphlets, booklets, recruiting manuals, maps, and a small magic communication tool.

Flipping through them, I realized the absurdity of the contents.

For example, the very first words in the recruiting manual said,

"Target the poor.

Convince them that the military is their only option to escape poverty."

Even more ridiculous was the map. It consisted of the areas in which the poor lived and attended school.

I nervously read through the manual.

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