Chapter 3

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I walked back into the living room to John (my husband) watching his usual footy on a Saturday evening with the Sydney Sharks vs the Dragons, then he got up and left to go to the bathroom or something and then his phone vibrated I went over to have a look and I sore that my best friend had sent him a picture. I opened his phone as I had put my face ID on his phone because he only uses his password, so I took advantage of it, I oped up the message and it was her without any clothes on.

'I knew he was having an affair!' I shouted inside my mind. I heard John coming back downstairs so I quickly put his phone back down and speed walked to the kitchen to finish down dinner.

"Hey Kath, what did you decide for dinner?" he asked walking into the kitchen,

"Oh, I decided on sausages and mash potatoes cause it's our favourite dish," I explained,

"Aww, you're so thoughtful Kathy." He said with awe in his voice. But I knew it was fake because he would never say that he's buttering me up for something I just know it.

"Stop faking!" I shouted in frustration,

"Why are you shouting Kath I haven't done anything," he said trying to act innocent,

"Stop it! Just stop it I knew you were lying to me for a month now!" I blurted out in frustration, "I saw those texts, you are cheating on me with my bestfriend what the hell who dose that!"

"So you went through my phone!" he yelled,

"No! While you left to do whatever your phone dinged and I sore nudes from MY bestfriend, why just why my bestfriend am I not good enough for you!" I yelled in anger.

I stormed off because I couldn't deal with the fact that my husband the one, I loved the most has been having an affair with my bestfriend which I thought I could trust but no it's not like that. They even know I have trust issues, and this is one of the reasons why. I couldn't believe it, so I sent my friend one last text saying, 'How dare you have an affair with husband I hope never to talk to you ever.' And I sent it no going back now.

I walked back to John my soon to be ex-husband. "Sign these,"

"What are they?" he questioned,

"Just sign them so I don't have to live with a liar anymore," I explained hinting that they're divorce papers, by the look on his face he realised that he messed up and he knew not to do this. If he didn't love me anymore he should've just told me. But no he chose the wrong road to go down.

"B-but why we love eachother Kath," he reaches to touch my cheek but I slap it away,

"No John you did this to yourself you know I have trust issues but no you ignore that and you started calling me my name a month ago that's how I knew John, so just sign the papers and I'll be moving out and going to my friend's house and not the one you are thinking about," I explained making sure it sinks into his head. "We're over," is all I say before I walked out the door and slammed it closed.

(558 wors)

Here is a long chapter because I won't be able to add to this for a while. Anyway drink some water. Have a great day/night wherever you are. Bye! : )

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