Mr. Heir Apparent

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Summary: Grayson has a sinus infection from overworking. You have to get him to bed.

Word count: 1678

Grayson had spent 3 days straight in his office. Yes, he had his own office where he did most of his work when he didn't feel like being at the foundation. He had barely eaten and got 4 hours of sleep on average each night. By the 3rd day, he had felt a little sniffly and achy but nothing that hasn't happened before. But the 4th day, he was completely MIA.

The three days that Grayson spent in his office, you spent with Avery and Libby. You guys had baked, bowled, exercised every morning, and went shopping much to Avery's dismay. You only saw Gray when he showed up at meals. He went to bed after you and woke up before you and you knew not to bother him while he worked.

"As long as he comes to eat, he's fine. If he doesn't show, that's when we needa step in," Nash told you when he saw you frowning as your boyfriend walked out the dining room doors. On the morning of the fourth day, Grayson came to breakfast in a sweatshirt over his button up but still shivering. He went straight to the coffee machine, made a cup of black coffee with a light amount of cream and sugar, and left. He didn't even say hi to you! You frowned and went to your room to sulk.

After about an hour of sulking, you got bored. You went to the archery range with your bow and arrow. Your skills were good before but they were excellent now. You had to admit, you were a little angry, a little touch starved, and very worried.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Grayson was blowing his nose into the 13th tissue that morning. He woke up with a wet cough and sore muscles and pain running across the bridge of his nose and outward to his cheeks and wanting to stay in bed. But there was work. There was always work. It needed to be done and who better than him? Well, Avery, but he still didn't finish teaching her. He took a sip from his mug of coffee just to realize it was empty. Grayson wasn't a coffee-run machine. His grandpa taught him to primarily run on motivation, dedication, and pride. But he'd be damned if he didn't go get another cup because staying awake was too hard at the moment. He went downstairs and turned on the Keurig, putting in his favorite roast and leaning on the counter as it brewed.

"Second cup of coffee and no breakfast? And don't think I didn't see how little dinner you had last night. I'm going to have to step in, little brother."

Grayson rolled his eyes at the thick Southern accent. "Nash, I'm a grown man. A grown man that can take care of himself. Let me get my coffee and get back to work."

"Bullshit. Even if you can, you don't. Go to bed."


"No? Do I need to get y/n?"

Grayson froze. He didn't need you worrying about him. You guys had only been together for 3 months, you didn't need to see this side of him yet, if ever. "Okay, fine, fine. I'll eat lunch, can I go back to work, now?"

Nash thought for a second but ultimately agreed. Grayson grabbed his coffee and went back upstairs.

You had shot about 100 arrows before calling it a day, your arms killing you. You went inside to see what Mrs. Laughlin was making for lunch when you ran into Nash and Libby. "Oh, hey, y/n," Libby said, smiling. You could see a mark peeking under her shirt on her collarbone but ignored it.

"Hey. Has Gray come down yet?" you asked Nash more than Libby.

"Yeah, he came down earlier for a cup of coffee," Nash said. He knew Grayson would be really upset if he told you that he was overworking himself.

It was already uncommon for Grayson to have more than one cup of his usual coffee but 2 before noon? Something was wrong. "He had another cup before lunch? Has he eaten yet?"

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