Jameson's Two Lies and a Truth (Pt. 2)

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Summary: The Hawthornes and Avery guess wrong and have to stay off Jameson's back. Avery doesn't want to though.

CW: Language, vomiting

Word count: 1403

I had been in the race room sitting in my favorite car for a while, waiting for someone to give me an answer. I was too dizzy and nauseous to drive. I let out a sick burp and squeezed my head between my propped up knees. Being sick is the worst.

"Jameson, we have a guess," I heard a voice announce from the entrance. Avery was walking in with Oren a few feet behind her.

I sat up and smirked. "Let's hear it."

"You're hungover," she said matter-of-factedly. She crossed her arms over her chest and awaited my response.

My smirk didn't go away as I sat back. "Nope." They'd guessed wrong. Now they had to leave me be for the rest of the day.

"We're wrong?" she asked, a frown on her pretty face.

"Believe it or not, yes. You and my brothers. I thought you were all smarter than that," I teased. I get out of the car and make my way to the door, stumbling only a little.

Avery caught a hold of my wrist and locked her eyes with mine the second I turned around. "A deal's a deal, Heiress. Ya gotta let me go."

"No, because we wanted to be right. If you were hungover, that was something of your own merits, something you brought upon yourself that we could leave alone. But if you're not feeling well, we need to know."

"I don't have to tell you anything." I tried to pull my wrist away but she held it strong. Or I was weak.

"I'm your girlfriend," she said, a deadly look in her eyes. "You do." Avery doesn't like secrets. If there's no way for her to find out what it is, she prefers for it to be told. I know this. And I don't want to upset her. I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out is another sick burp.

I turn away from her, cheeks red from embarrassment and cover my mouth. "Sorry. That was disgusting."

"It's fine. Can you tell me what's wrong? Please?"

I'm tired and I'm worn out and I just want to lay down. And maybe be held by our inheritance thief. I placed my forehead against hers, relishing in how cool it is. She lets me stay for a few seconds before a, "Jameson?"


"You're burning up."

I straightened up as best I could save cleared my throat. "Yeah, I know."

She cupped my face with her right hand and I leaned into it. "Why didn't you say anything?" Her voice was gentle; not upset or accusing, just gentle.

"Because you guys would've made me go to bed. I don't want to be cooped up in bed, it's not my style."

"You want to do what you want," Avery said with an eye roll.

"Is that so bad?"

"It is when what you want to do isn't what you need to do. And what could you possibly want to do while you sway in place and look like you're going to lose your breakfast any second now?"

"Honestly? Lie down because I'm swaying in place and I'm about to lose my lunch any second now." I felt myself get shakier and the room flash from cold to hot. Before I knew it, I was lowered to the ground by Oren and handed a trash can by Avery. She raked my hair back as I retched my 3 strawberries and singular piece of toast into the bin. The little bit of dinner I had was making a second round, too. I whimpered and clutched my stomach when I was done and it was cold again.

"That was some display," I hear behind me. I'm too exhausted to turn around but I knew by the click of heels and hefty Texan accent that that couldn't be anyone other than my oldest brother. "I'm going to have to kick your ass when you're better. You know you're not supposed to lie to me and Gray about being sick."

"Why do you guys treat me like a baby, Xan's the youngest and Gray is only a year or so ahead of me."

"Because you're reckless," Nash said.

"Xander literally explodes things for a living though," Avery chimes in.

"For a living," Nash says, walking towards me and hoisting me up. "Jamie here does this type of shit for a killing."

I roll my eyes as I try to regain my foot which was all types of a bad idea. Nash catches me as I fall and clicks his tongue. "You can't even stand, how were you planning to get away with this all day?"

I shrug. "Big house."

"Yeah, okay. Avery, I'm going to take this idiot to his room and have Mellie bring me some stuff. Don't worry about him, okay?"

I looked at Avery as my big brother mounted me on his back like I was 6 years old and weighed nothing to him. Avery was biting her lip, obviously concerned. "I'm going with you!" she blurted, clearly louder than she wanted to be.

Nash smirked. "Got yourself a good one, huh, Jamie?" He pivoted to look at Avery. "That's sweet, kid, but you're just going to catch what he has. For your own health and safety, gotta keep ya away."

"But we've already breathed the same air. He kissed me at breakfast and we were face to face 2 minutes ago. I probably already have it. Besides, I can handle a stomach bug."

"Lee-Lee would actually kill me if you got sick. I'm sorry, but no."

"Please Nash. I feel gross and I want Avery," I pout on his shoulder. Did I really just say that? My fever must be higher than I thought.

Nash finally gave in, probably because I was heavy. "Ugh, fine. But no funny business. And Oren, please keep Xander and Gray out of the room. Their immune systems are shit because they don't sleep."

Oren nodded at the command and followed us out of the garage. As Nash walked, I got dizzy and drowsy. "You can sleep, Jameson," Avery said beside me. I reached out my hand to grab hers and fell asleep.

When I woke up next, Nash was laying me on the bed and Avery was pulling the blankets over my chest. "Mmmm, no blankets," I groaned, trying to kick them off. I began to sink into my mountains of pillows and groaned. Having a lush bed had its perks but this wasn't one of them. Avery took the blankets off and helped me sit up. I tried to breathe through my nose but the airflow got stopped.

"Need a tissue?" Mellie asked from the doorway. She had a tray of medicines, soup, cold compresses that needed to twist to activate, a thermometer, and tissues. I nodded and reached for the box, blowing my nose into the tissues that were infused with Vic's.

Avery grabbed the medicines and looked at them. "Do you want a day or night?" she asked, showing me both in either hand.

"Neither," I grumbled. I took the Pepto Bismol off the tray, unscrewed the top and took a swig of that.

"Jameson! You have to measure!" Avery said.

"It's fine, I'm good at estimating. Do we have any peppermints? My stomach's killing me." Nash looked on the tray to see a bag of 150 count of peppermints and smiled for whatever reason. I took one, unwrapped it, and lied down.

"Since I'm done, I'm going to go. Libby needed my help with something about macarons. I'll check on you later."

As Nash walked out, Oren followed to stand guard at the door. Avery climbed into bed with me and laid down, patting her chest as an invitation to have me cuddle up. I laid my head on her chest and she cracked a cold compress for my forehead. I shivered when it was put into place and tightened the blanket.

"I love you, Jameson, but if you play games about your health again I might have to hurt you," Avery said, petting my hair.

"Aww, you love me?" I teased. She didn't answer but I could feel her looking at me.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

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