Chapter Fourteen: Revenge with All Guns Blazing

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“WHAT? What are we still doing here? Move we have to go!” I freaked out pushing Niall to the door. But Harry pulled me back.

“Ash are you crazy? No way in HELL I’m letting you come, this is too dangerous, I’m going to back him up, by you going there will cause an even bigger scene and you could get seriously hurt.”

“Guys I have too! This is MY man that’s about to walk into the ring of fire, you can’t just except me to sit around here and wait?” I raised my eyebrows with my attitude.

“YOU are the reason this fight is about to happen, Ash I love you but I just can’t allow you to come, I’m sorry, but this is for the better, I’ll call you when it’s over.” Niall said in a fast tone and was out the door before I could even stop him.

I was going to go to that fight whether the boys allowed me too or not. I had to let Zayn know I was still constantly thinking about him and for that reason to not continue in all this. All I had to do was get past Harry.

“Come on Ash, let’s go out and do something, get your mind off all this?” Harry smiled and grabbed the car keys.

I of coarse had to play along in order to shake him, so I went with it and I suggested we go back to my house, since I “just wanted to go to bed.” Surprisingly he agreed and with no suspensions walked me to that car.

“Can I drive Harry? I just want to focus on something else.” I batted my eyes and spoke in a soft convincing voice.

The gullible Harry Styles everyone gave me the biggest sympathy face and gladly handed over the keys.

I secretly overheard Niall say where Brent was and now it was official. I was going over to stop the big mess that was about to go down, the only question left was how...

-------Back at Zayns-------

“So you guys know the plan right? He’s with two of his friends and they’re pretty big but we can take’em. We have to, my girl’s at risk.” Zayn said looking directly in to Liam and Louis’s eyes.

“We got you mate, no worries, you’re going to get her back!” Liam reassured him.

“We’ll be right behind you, all the way through” Louis gave the thumbs up.

“Alright lets g-”

*Knock Knock*

“That should be Niall, he’s helping us out, now lets get this done mates.” Zayn grabbed his keys with a determined, angered look, out to kill.

--------Back In the Car with Harry-------

I started taping my thumbs as the nerves were starting to kick in. When I googled the address, it led me to some warehouse down town, and as I drove down the road, it was getting darker and darker.

“I knew it…” Harry blurted out as he lowered the radio.

“Harry did you really think that we were actually going home?” I turned my head adding to my sarcastic tone.

“Oh I knew the second you asked to drive, I was just hoping you’d make the right choice, but I can relate, when you gotta go protect the one you love, you’ll stop at nothing.” Harry encouraged.

“Wait a second you said love..I don-”

“Oh Ash come on, don’t even try to deny it, it’s obvious, even for him too.” Harry gave me a playful push.

“You really think so? Harry this is crazy like I’ve known the kid for nearly less then a month and all a sudden I have major feels for him!” I began to get really into this topic.

One thing Harry was always good at, was being a good listener, and that’s why whenever Lauren didn’t understand or even my family, Harry was the run-to guy. I appreciate every little bit of advice he throws my way, because some how in the end, he’s always right.

“No guy would put himself in this much of danger on purpose if he wasn’t serious about the girl, trust me babe, you’re real special to him, just wait and see” Harry smiled even feeling the excitement I was beginning to get in the pit of my stomach.

I couldn’t help but smile, thoughts of that are what make my head spin, especially knowing that Zayn’s the one I want to share them with.

“The directions say it’s the next left, but I’m parking over here so no one knows we’re here.” I told Harry I was parked into the shopping lot over from the Warehouse.

-------Back with Zayn------

Zayn was driving pretty fast and so focused on his thoughts and his plan to end this nightmare once and for all.

“It’s the next left” Niall read off what the GPS said.

Zayn sharply turned, parking right behind a tree, nearly in the woods so Brent and his friends wouldn’t know their here.

“That’s him. Sitting over there holding the beer by the fire.” Zayn whispered as everyone got in a huddle out of the car.

“You ready? Once we go in, there’s no turning back.” Zayn looked up at all his friends, here backing him up.

“After you” Louis said and the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

Zayn smiled and immediately started walking towards Brent. His pace getting faster and faster, gripping his fists, breathing hard, seconds away from attacking. After walking under the last street light he was now in sight. Brent took another sip of his beer and sat back, looking way to drunk to even stand up.

“HEY” Zayn yelled as he approached Brent, throwing the first punch, knocking Brent out of his chair and over face first to the ground. Getting up fast, smashing his bottle to the ground Brent charged at Zayn…the fight had officially begun.

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