Chapter 6

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Chapter Six


Fitz awoke to a face cloaked in black fabric looking over him. He scrambled backwards in the bed he was in.

"Oh good, you're awake," The person said, "finally. Thought you'd sleep forever."

"Who... are you?" Fitz asked, confused. "And where am I?"

The person groaned. "Ugh! Knew you'd be all wacky after waking up. But seriously, why is everyone so stupid after waking up from being knocked out by sleepblossoms?"

Suddenly, all in a rush, Fitz remembered what had happened earlier. He'd defected, then he'd been drugged by someone named Inferno.... He gasped. He was drugged!

"Why did you drug me?" He asked the person sitting next to him, who he gathered to be Inferno.

"Because we weren't sure of you yet," she replied, "and didn't want you to see to0 much if you were a spy."

"But I'm not a spy!" He said indignantly.

"Relax, Supernova, we know that now!" Inferno replied.

The nickname caught Fitz by surprise. "Wait—Supernova? Is that my nickname?"

"Well, duh," Inferno answered, "what d'you think, it's an insult? Wow, you sure are dumb."

"Jeez, I'm joking! You're Supernova because you were the star of your friends, and when you defected, you, the star, went supernova. So... Supernova."

"Is that my Neverseen name?" Fitz asked.

"Take a guess, genius," Inferno said, rolling her eyes.

"Ding, ding, ding! Give the guy a prize!" Inferno said in response. "'Supernova' is just your nickname, and your Neverseen name is whatever you want it to be. I'm Inferno because I am a pyrokinetic. Plus, I like doing big fires. Infernos. Anyways, try to pick a fearsome name. Definitely don't do something like 'Trix' or 'Umber'. Those are awful Neverseen names. I swear, who'd find someone with a name like Trix scary?"

"So could I be something like, I dunno, Brainwave," Fitz said.

Inferno nodded. "Yeah. But please don't. Brainwave sounds all nerdy and not at all fearsome. And once you choose, you can't choose again."

"Okay. I need to think about it," Fitz said, "also: what's your real name?"

Inferno gave Fitz a sideways glance. "You really want to know?" She asked.

Fitz nodded in response.

"Okay then." She reached for her hood, and pulled it down. She had long, blond hair with red and orange streaks in it, and ice-blue eyes. She weirdly resembled Keefe minus the red and orange streaked hair. "My name's Audra. Audra Sencen."

Fitz's jaw dropped. "Audra Sencen?" He said incredulously. "Keefe has a sister?"

Audra scowled at him. "I prefer not to be connected to Keefe Sencen," She said stiffly, "or Cassius Sencen, for the matter."


Audra flipped her blond hair over her shoulder. "Got a problem with my name?"

"Um, no, but... how come I've never heard of you? And I don't think Keefe has either."

"Mother prefers me to be a secret that people don't know and forget about," Audra replied uncomfortably.

"But you probably would've been big news, right?" Fitz pressed. "I mean, first Sencen kid—you're a year older than Keefe, which means that you're my age. Pretty hard to forget that."

"You'd be surprised what people can forget," Audra replied. Then she switched the subject. "Okay, enough about personal stuff, it's time for your training."


Fitz followed Audra/Inferno to the training room, which was a big open space made of blinding-white lumenite filled with a multitude of weapons, black cloaks, cloth dummies, and a bunch of other stuff Fitz didn't know. "Welcome," Audra said dramatically, spreading her arms out wide, as if to contain the entire room, "to the training room."

Fitz was unimpressed. "Cool," He said, folding his arms against his chest, "nice room. See, I already know how to fight. I'm no newbie at fighting. You don't need to give me a full-on tutorial on using a dagger and whatnot."

Audra smiled. Her smile looked vicious and venomous. "Cool it, Perfect Boy," she said sharply, "you may be the golden child of the Vackers and the star of your friends, but you sure aren't here. Here, we have different rules." She stepped closer to Fitz, her eyes icy. "And you will abide by them. Otherwise..." She flicked her wrist, sliding a sharp metal dagger out of her cloak's sleeve, "well... let's just say that we won't be merciful." In a quick motion, she pressed the dagger to Fitz's throat. "Got it?" She hissed.

Fitz nodded quickly, not trusting himself to speak. Audra pressed the dagger a bit tighter to his throat, drawing small droplets of blood, before stepping backwards and sliding the weapon out of sight. In a completely different voice, she said, "Let's get started. I think we can start at the punching station." She motioned to the right-hand side of the training room, where rows upon rows of punching bags were.

"That looks a bit crowd—," Fitz started, but quickly cut off when Audra sent him a sharp look. "Never mind," He muttered, and followed her to the station.

People populated the punching area, and all eyes traveled to Audra and Fitz as they entered the station. "Ooh, who's the new guy?" One black-cloaked figure asked. "He's pretty good-looking."

Fitz ducked his head and blushed.

"Hey, that's Fitz Vacker!" Another person shouted out, "what's he doing here?! And with Gisela's own daughter too!"

"Oooh, scandalous," the first person who spoke added.

Audra's face turned red, and flames flickered on her hands. "Who said that?" She demanded, angry. The area fell silent. "I said, who said that?! You guys deaf as well as daft?"

Almost immediately, fingers started pointing at the two figures who had spoken. The two people's faces turned white. Audra stalked up to them. Two daggers slid into her palms. They coated in flames, making them look like they were made of fire. In a swift movement, Audra pressed the daggers to their necks, not unlike the way she had with Fitz earlier. The two Neverseen members gasped as the flames hungrily flickered to their necks, never quite touching the skin, but very close, so very close. "Never do that again," Audra said loudly, so that everyone could hear her voice. "Never. If it was my choice, you both would be dead right now, burnt to a crisp, covered in blood. But since my mother needs you..." The flames slowly disappeared, and Audra removed the daggers. "You have the privilege of staying alive. For now."

Before, Fitz wondered how Audra could be part of a big evil organization like the Neverseen. Now, he could see it all too well.

And he knew that he could not cross her...

otherwise he'd be dead. 

Supernova---A KOTLC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now