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When Jungkook got home that night Hoseok and his dad were just starting to serve themselves dinner. His dad looked up to the younger as he walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a plate.

"how is jimin?" Mr jeon asked.

"huh!?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"You were with jimin right?" Mr jeon asked again.

"right .. yeah yeah he's fine..." Jungkook managed to not to shuttered .

Mr jeon nodded and grabbed his plate and walked into the kitchen as he finished his dinner

"So.... Dad and I talked about sumi" Hoseok cleared his throat..

"oh " Jungkook nervously said...:"what did he tell you?"

"nothing much ... just how he met her at work." Hoseok explained.

"hmmm.." Jungkook mumbled .

"you can't tell him who to sate or who to not .. don't you think he's a grown up man.." Hoseok told the younger.

"Say who always butted in my dating life all the time.." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Stop... changing the subject .. that's complete different and you know about it.." Hoseok defended himself.

"well we should be talking about this with dad not just you and me... it's not our decision.." Jungkook said as he sat down neat the dinning table.

"What made you change your mind so quickly ? dad told me that you were completely against about him and Sumi.." Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows.

"just someone made me realized that I was wrong and I should not be selfish and only think about me.."

" and Who's is that person?"

"you don't have to know..." Jungkook snapped.

"So there are some things we should talk about.." mr jeon said as Hoseok sat down next to him.

"first of all , I don't want to bring anyone In this house or do something that's going to make you guys uncomfortable ... or replace your mom's place in this house.."Mr jeon started.

"dad " Jungkook stopped him ," before you say anything further... I need you to know that I understand. I was seeing things from the wrong perspective and judging the situation wrongly . I need you to know that I know you could never forget mom.."

Mr jeon smiled at the younger but as he was about to say something Jungkook cut him off again.." Let me finish .. " Jungkook looked down to his lap fiddling with his fingers." You deserved to be happy and although I'm not ready to meet Sumi ssi , I do want you to be happy even if it means with her... i do respect you and your feelings.."

"thank you kookie.." mr jeon reached across the tabled and hugged the younger... few tears rolled from his eyes.." I love you my son.."

"I love you too " Jungkook smiled.

"I agreed dad should be happy.." Hoseok nodded as well

With that three of them joined in a family hug .. with content of happiness.

After a while of small talk and laugh , Jungkook cleared his throat ..

" there's something I want to tell you guys.."

Their eyes shoot up to the younger and they started at him with a confused look.

" buy hyung promise me you won't be angry and won't do anything stupid.." Jungkook warned hoesok.

"not promising anything.." Hoseok said..

"Hobi!" mr jeon gave him a serious look..

Talking a deep breath... Jungkook nervously fiddled with his hands and biting his lower lips in the process.

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