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Getting off from the car.. Taehyung and Jungkook walked towards the main door of the kim's mansion ...

Taehyung was feeling uneasy

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Taehyung was feeling uneasy... He rang and bell with his shaking hands .. and smiled lightly at the younger .

Without any hesitation Jungkook took the elder's big hand into his smaller one's and interlocked their fingers... Jungkook felt Taehyung's body easing up a little.. and then the door was opened at a one go.

"Hi Taehyung... "Mr kim greeted Taehyung as soon as he saw him... "Jungkook nice to see you.... I didn't know you are coming.."

Jungkook showed him a fake smile... and letting go of Taehyung's hands his brought his hands to greet Mr kim.

Mr kim Sang-woon had aged a lot since the last time Jungkook saw him. The wrinkles by his eyes crinkled as he smiled big..

"Yeah it nice to see you too uncle .."

In this whole time jungkook's big doe eyes was roaming around the house... the bright white walls of the house didn't have a single crack of paint off .. there was a chandelier right above the entrance and another one in the living room.

"Shin-hye(tae's step mom) and Yurim in the kitchen... " Mr kim said.." You guys sit here I'll be right back.." Mr kim pointed them towards the couch as he gestured them to sit...

Mr kim left the living room and rushed towards the kitchen around the corner of the house... Taehyung groaned a little and ran his fingers through his silvery - blonde hair ..

"We can run if you want ... you know.." Taehyung joked.. but a part of him wanted to hear a yes from the younger so they could run... from here before his dad came back.

Jungkook didn't answered but chuckled a little..

Taehyung sighed for ninth time... then he took some deep breaths to calm his nerves system down..

"I'm sorry I made you come here... I should have not agreed to you... I should have not drag you into this... knowing my dad and his new family... are not good persons to deal with.." Taehyung said.

Jungkook shook his head..." hey it's fine.... We will be fine.. everything will be fine.." Jungkook brought his both hands to cup the elder's both cheeks.." besides I wanted to be with you in this situation... I didn't wanted to leave you alone..."

Jungkook didn't know what he was doing ... how the hell things are going slow? He himself wanted to things to go slowly and now he was comforting the elder like a typical lover ... but still he can't ignore his feelings for the elder..

Taehyung smiled showing his boxy smile to the younger ... he leaned in the younger's touch.. closing his eyes and Jungkook did the same unconsciously ... Just as their lips about to meet ... Mr kim walked in with beside his wife Shin hyen and his daughter Yu rim..

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