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Him. He's gone how can he just leave me like this. I didn't even get to tell him his child is growing in me.

Cap had taken me to this isolated Island. I always wondered where Cap was from and it is here.

He owns a fucking island.

Cap had built this house that he lives in. He hasn't let me leave and i'm guessing Claude has made him protect me from Dante.

I still haven't told him i'm pregnant.

I spent most days alone and crying wondering if the baby is still alive so today I'm gonna tell Cap that I am pregnant.

It's so peaceful here so I don't blame Cap for choosing this place to live.

The nice breeze that always comes in hearing the birds every morning and the ocean isn't that far I can hear the waves.

Cap has been working on making another room so that he can get his one back.

I wanna help him but he won't let me.

He's been sleeping on the sofa the past few days and insisted I take the bed. I feel terrible for having him sleeping on an uncomfortable-looking couch.

I sit up and get off of the bed.

I don't know what happened to everyone else and Cap doesn't either. I hope everyone is okay.

Trying not to cry all day becomes harder with every second that passes.

I miss Claude, I miss Rose I miss everyone. Just to see someone from there to know that they are alive will have me feeling so much better.

When I stand up I feel something move in my stomach.

Was that?

I don't know how far I am into this pregnancy but I'm guessing i'm a few months already with how long ago Claude and I first had sex.

"C'mon little guy tell me you are okay?" I softly say, gently rubbing my stomach.

I tense and look to the door Cap and I meet eyes and his eyes are wide. He's holding a tray of food i'm guessing he was coming in to bring me breakfast.

The door was opened so it is partly my fault. "You... You are pregnant? Oh my god, you are pregnant, why didn't I notice?" he's freaking out now the tray is on the dresser.

I hug my stomach. "I don't know if the baby is okay Cap," I say feeling a whimper escape.

"What do you mean?" he asks now looking worried.

"He pushed me off of a cliff the pressure from the water could have killed the baby, but I just felt something that is giving me hope that the baby is alive."

"Ah I got this heart monitor thing downstairs because being a sailor and all you gotta be prepared for anything from pregnancies to the shark attacks," He says.

I sigh with relief. "Please, I need to know," I say feeling my eyes water.

"Okay lay down and I'll be back, do you want a drink? I can quickly get you one," he asks he's literally freaking out more than I am.

"That would be nice Cap," I say with a small smile.

He exits the room. I sit down on the bed. "Please be okay," I say feeling my stomach that is becoming noticeable to me that I am pregnant.

He walks back in with a glass of orange juice and a box.

"Why can't you take me to a hospital Cap?" I ask. "I just can't Gabriella, it's hard to explain," he says giving me an assuring look.

"I have time for you to explain," I say as I lay down on the bed he grabs the chair in the corner and puts it next to the bed, and he sits in it.

"Dante is looking for you he's literally hunting for you and will kill anyone that doesn't give him an answer. Claude had asked me to keep you here before he died," he says.

"He isn't dead I know when you are lying to me Cap," I say.

"He is Gabriella," He says.

"I wish he was alive if he was alive I would've told you."

"How did Claude know Dante was coming?" I ask. "He wanted to marry you so quickly because he knew Dante would separate you two because that night where Dante spiked Claude's drink he told Claude his whole plan. He knew Dante was gonna kill him but he wanted you safe."

"And Dante being the leader-" No he is not the heir he is the youngest out of his siblings and his brother Carlos leads who is like thirty seven," I say.

"Oh," He says. "He wants to be the leader and is probably gonna try and kill off his family to have all the power," I say.

"How do you know this?" He asks.

"He told me when I was fourteen that he could never become the heir unless his family dies."

"Oh, you know him?" He asks. "Yes, I do I was a fourteen-year-old girl that was obsessed with being cool so being in love with some mafia guy that loved me was the trend of fourteen-year-olds."

"Drug dealers especially," I say.

"Okay, you ready to hear the heartbeat?" He asks. "Yeah," I say.

Thank you for distracting me but now my mind is back on this baby.

He sets the machine up and brings the little heart monitor thing towards my stomach once i've lifted my shirt.

"Okay, here we go," He says placing the thing on my stomach.

I giggle when my stomach rumbles but it's quickly cut off when we don't hear anything.

Welcome back wasn't gone long 🤣

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