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I've been thinking about it a lot recently...
A lot about where I'd rather be...
It isn't here..
It isn't at home, school, concert,...
It's 6 feet under and high in the sky.
I'm sick of all of this shit being shoved down my fucking throat...
No one sees the pain I feel
The pain experienced...
Nor will they ever understand..
Most of... No. A huge majority of the people I'm in contact with I can't even fucking look at. You make me fucking sick. You can be nice to my face or someone else's face but turn right around and talk shit about them? Or me? Say it to our faces.
Another reason to leave this shitty hell we call a world.
I'm sorry but I'm not...
Suicide isn't a pussies way out or selfish. Get your head out your ass about that right now.
It's for the people who can't take anymore.
The ones that have been strong for so long, that when life is finally going a little okay, it's torn apart again. Shit like this makes people like me think... When does it get better? We've barely even started our fucking lives and look what is happening... Is it just going to be like this..?
If it is... Count me out...

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