Your Basic, Cliché Love Story

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Your Basic, Cliché Love Story:

The Tristan I love isn't the Tristan that everyone else loves. 

The Tristan I love is the one hidden from cameras, not seen by the public. 

He doesn't pick up his dirty socks and put them in the hamper. 

He doesn't constantly smile. 

He has a horrible habit of chewing with his mouth open. 

He loves to make silly faces just to see me laugh.

The Tristan I love doesn't always say the right things. 

He always ties his left shoe before his right. 

He has to have a glass of orange juice every darn morning. 

He never shuts the door after leaving my room. Never.

The Tristan I love wears jeans on the hottest days and shorts on the coldest days. 

He would show up at my house at 3am if I asked. 

He cries while watching Up. 

He laughs when he hears the word "tonsil."

The Tristan I love smiles every time I wear his band's Saving Summer t-shirt. 

He sings into hairbrushes and serenades me while singing commercial jingles.

The Tristan I love is the Tristan that no one else sees.

And the Tristan I love.. Has absolutely no clue that I, his best friend, am head over heels in love with him. Because the Tristan I love is a clueless idiot.

Your Basic, Cliché Love Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now