Long Time Coming

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The boy has been hanging around your apartment for about half an hour before you finally take pity on him and let him inside. Scott McCall looks relieved to be allowed in; the building is rather cold, and he's starting to attract stares from well-meaning neighbours. All the same, you can't pretend that you're happy to see him. There's only one reason Scott would be here, and it's not a reason you like to consider.

For now, though, the two of you will dance around the topic. If Scott wants to bring it up, he's going to have to do it himself, you won't help him here.

Instead, you lead him into your apartment, walking back into your kitchen. "Want some water? You hungry?"

Scott shakes his head politely. "I'm good, thank you. I need to talk to you about something."

You pour yourself a glass of water, shrugging. "I kind of got that impression when you loitered outside my door for thirty minutes."

Scott has the grace to look ashamed. "I couldn't risk leaving too early. We need your help, Y/N."

You sigh, raising your glass in a mock toast. "See, I was worried we'd get here. I thought I told you guys I was done with that kind of life."

Scott's jaw tightens. "You can't just walk away from this sort of thing."

You smirk. "Actually, that's where you're wrong. I can walk away, and I did. I'm done with the supernatural sort of things, Scott. You better have a good reason for trying to drag me back into it."

Scott folds his arms across his chest. "It's all going wrong again. There have been strange things happening over town. Animals are turning up dead, a swarm of birds attacked the school, and people are being killed. Deaton thinks that a darach is to blame."

You arch a brow. "What's a darach?"

Scott knows better than to confuse your question for interest, but he does look relieved that you asked. "An evil druid, of sorts. It's doing these ritual sacrifices all over town, and they're not going to stop until they get unfathomable power."

Something about what he said makes you pause. "You said that they're doing ritual sacrifices. What do these sacrifices look like, out of curiosity?"

Scott grimaces. "It depends. Most of the victims had these hallucinations, then they disappeared. When we found the bodies, they'd been killed by a head injury, strangled, or had their throat slit."

A realization crests over you like a tidal wave and you sway slightly on your feet.

Scott frowns at you. "Is everything alright?"

You wave away his concern. "Yeah. It's just- I had a brother, and although we haven't been as close, he recently came to visit Beacon Hills. He was supposed to meet up with me a few days ago but never showed. I assumed he'd backed out again, but he texted me something before completely cutting off contact with me. It was strange, barely comprehensible, something about someone being after him."

Scott's brow furrows. "You think he had one of those hallucinations when he texted you."

You nod. "Was there a young man recently killed by the darach? He looks like me, but his eyes are darker. He might have been wearing a gray jacket with a blue logo on the left side pocket."

Scott's face twists with horror. "Yes. One of the sacrifices matches that description."

That settles it, then. "I'm in. Whatever you need, I'll do it."

Scott blinks in surprise. "Really?"

You nod. "This thing killed my brother. I'm not stopping until it's dead. I owe him that."

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