To Get To You

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Based on a request for a Derek Hale songfic for 'Wolves' by Selena Gomez

You first met Derek Hale when you were trying to break into his house, and it is just as bad as it sounds. Technically, you weren't alone, but that doesn't make it any better. Besides, having Stiles Stilinski encourage you to steal something should probably tell you that you're on the wrong side.

Here's the plan: Derek Hale has a list of suspected hunters somewhere in his house. Scott McCall needs the list so he can figure out who's been shooting at him, and also how not to reveal himself in a town that could be potentially crawling with people who all want to kill him. So, Scott's going to go distract Derek while you and Stiles go try and find the list before Derek gets suspicious. What could go wrong?

Just about everything, as it turns out. You've scarcely been searching for twenty minutes when Scott frantically texts you. Apparently Derek suspected him almost immediately, and is headed back to his house now. You swear under your breath, sprinting from the room you're searching to go find Stiles. You're on the second floor, he's on the first, and all it takes is a couple of shouts for your friend to realize that something is wrong.

It's too late for an escape, though. Derek's car is already pulling up outside the house, and by the time you make it down the stairs, he'll see you through the burned-out windows of the Hale House. Instead, you yell for Stiles to take the back door. You'll have to find some way out without Derek noticing you.

You turn and run back into the room you were in, scanning for windows that you could use to climb out to the ground. One towards the back hasn't been damaged too badly, and looks sturdy enough to hold your weight. Through the gaping hole in the splintery sides of the house, you can just see the distant shape of Stiles sprinting through the back yard and disappearing into the woods. At least he's out; you only wish that you could have found that list of the hunters and at least made this whole trip justifiable, but there's no time for that now.

You can hear the front door opening, and you know you've got to go, now. You reach for the window and prepare to pull yourself through, yet there's a voice behind you, one that sounds cold and menacing.

"What are you doing in my house?"

You turn around slowly to face a rather irritated looking Derek Hale. This isn't great.

However, if there's anything you've learned from years as one of Stiles Stilinski's best friends, it's that you can bluff yourself out of anything if you try hard enough. So, you do your best for an unassuming expression, and make sure to keep yourself calm.

"Just looking around, I guess. Nice property you've got here. Although I will admit that the whole 'distressed wood' look might have been taken a little too far."

Derek arches a brow. "Could that have been because of the fire that ravaged the place and killed my entire family?"

You wince. "Yeah, that might do it."

Derek makes a sound that might almost be a laugh, and then he steps forward, slowly, as if enjoying your heightened sense that something is about to go terribly wrong. "You weren't looking for that list of the hunters, then? Like Scott was asking about?"

You back up in time with Derek's steps, but you can only go so far before your back is up against the wall. He stops only a foot or so in front of you, close enough that you don't think you could move a muscle if you tried.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

Derek nods slowly. "You know there's no point in lying anymore? I can tell when you do."

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