19 - Two Brothers

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'And then once that's done, we set off the fireworks and the last one will sparkle Happy Holidays,' Fred went over. 'Everyone understands the plan?' George and I nodded. 'Let's go get it set up, then!'

We flicked our wands at the heap of supplies on the common room couch. The quilt underneath wrapped and tied itself around the items and followed us out of the room on its own, trailing in the air behind us as we made our way to the portrait hole. Once it swung open, we peaked our heads around the corner, looking both ways, and snuck out into the quiet nighttime hallways.

'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,' I whispered and tapped the Marauder's map in my hands with my wand as it came into view. Filch was all the way on the other side of the castle and there were two prefects prowling the corridors. I nodded to the twins. 'Come,' I gestured over towards the Great Hall and we continued on, the twins guiding me as I had my nose in the map patrolling for unwanted authority figures, so I didn't fall through the changing staircase.

Once we got to the Great Hall, we opened the doors slightly, as carefully and quietly as we could, just enough for us and the supplies to fit through, then we shut it again.

'Alright, you keep an eye on the map while we set this up,' Fred instructed, and I nodded. The boys flicked their wands, unwrapping the quilt to display our stockpile of required mischief: fireworks, dungbombs, ever-bashing boomerangs, belch powder, and frog spawn soap. I took a seat at the end of our house table, by the door and kept an eye on the map, glancing up every now and again to check their progress on the prank setup. With tomorrow's breakfast dishes already laid out on the tables, they went up and down the rows to each of the tables and place settings, laying out an inconspicuous surprise.

I checked the map, we were still in the clear. Fred and George came back over to the supplies and grabbed the dungbombs. 'Wingardium Leviosa,' they said, as the little brown pellets hovered in the air at their commands. They each took half and dispensed them to hide in the mouths of the little angel statues on the walls. Then they brought the boomerangs over to the professor's table. They walked over to Snape's usual spot. 'Reducio,' Fred said, and after it shrunk in his hand, said, 'Wingardium Leviosa.' He had it stick to the ceiling, deactivated. He then put a few others on the ceiling above the Slytherin table.

George came over and charmed one of the fireworks and then looked at me. 'We need that bucket of water.'

'Right, already got it out in the hallway, just need to summon the water in the morning. But we can leave the soap in there overnight,' I explained.

'And line up the fireworks behind it, too,' Fred added, walking over to us.

'Right, then that just leaves...' I raised my eyebrows.

'Us,' they nodded.

Fred smirked. 'Don't worry, it'll be fine. It'll all go to plan.' He winked.

'And everyone will love it, too,' George smiled. 'A nice holiday gift.'

'Or morning wake up call,' I snickered.

'Oh, for sure,' they agreed, their lips curling into mischievous smiles.

'As long as we don't get caught,' I cocked my head.

'Or it goes horribly wrong,' Fred agreed.

'And everyone hates us for it,' George sighed.

My smile faded as I pressed my lips together and felt a nervous fluttering pang in the pit of my stomach. 'Nobody's ever hated our pranks before, though,' I stumbled. 'I mean, besides Snape and Filch. Do you think...ehm...that he could...ehm...'

George came over and put his hand on my shoulder. 'Only the usual suspects will hate it,' he assured.

I looked up at him from where I sat and nodded, although still somewhat unsure. 'What if it's too...intense?' I mumbled. George sighed, nodding understandingly and sat down beside me. 'I just don't...I don't want to scare him.'

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