Black Hearted: Chapter 21

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Solana shivered, pulling her cotton sweater close across her chest. Still, the cold wind whipped through the thin material, and she picked up her pace. The walk from the bus stop to her abuela's home wasn't far, but after midnight, it seemed extra long. Perhaps it was the lack of life on the usually bustling streets. Or maybe the darkness enveloping the sidewalk between the pockets of light provided by the streetlamps hid the familiar landmark she used as a guide.

There'd been a birthday party at the restaurant this evening and she'd been run off her feet refilling glasses of wine and sorting out separate checks for the guests. She couldn't wait to get home, make a cup of hot tea and crawl into bed.

Her abuela had left the porch light on and the sight of the warm glow on against the familiar rocking chairs helped combat the chill. That sensation faded as she noticed a dark form leaning against one of the pillars of the porch. On occasion, some inebriated or stoned patron from the illegal gambolling room the next street over ended up resting on their front lawn, as if her abuela's porch light was a beacon for the downtrodden.

Quiet as she could, she tiptoed across the slightly damp grass, approaching the stairs with caution. The ominous figure moaned and moved, large feet jutting out across the three steps. Definitely male shoes, large and well kept. Did she recognize the sound? It couldn't be Bram. He was out of town on some mysterious overnight escapade she wasn't sure she wanted to hear about. He'd promised to drop by for breakfast tomorrow to regale her with his story.

The figure shifted again. Metal at his wrists caught on the porch light, glinted in the soft light, and Solana spotted familiar cufflinks. The chill of apprehension crawling across her skin blazed into a fire of annoyance.

"Jack?" She bent to inspect the face.

A hand jutted out, snagged her hand, and pulled. She lost her balance and pitched forward, landing in his lap. Hot hands pressed into her back, tugging her against him. He burrowed into her neck, his chest swelling as he inhaled. "Sweetheart." The slurred word reverberated against her skin, bled into her pounding pulse and headed straight south.

The heat of his body drove away the cool of the night, providing a solace no cup of tea could come close to. Despite the cloud of alcoholic fumes surrounding Jack, she found herself relaxing into his toasty embrace. Until she remembered where they were and who she was snuggling with.

She disentangled from his grip, scrambling up the stairs to put distance between her and the inebriated brute. "Your drunk."

Jack peered up at her with unfocused eyes. "Am I?"


"That explains why there are two of you." His head bobbed. "You look lovely, by the way."

She ignored the compliment. "What are you doing here?"

Jack raised an eyebrow. "I thought we could finish what we started."

The gall on this man. Had she not expressed in no uncertain terms she didn't want to ever see him again, never mind engage in what he was offering? His arrogance prickled at the spot his nose had caressed.

"Not happening." She pointed toward the road. "Leave."

"Don't want to."

"Too bad."

"Can I at least come in for a bit?" His red-rimmed irises were almost devoid of colour in the dim light.


"Why not?"

"Because I said so." Her fingers curled into fists at her side. "Now call your driver and get out of here."

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