Chapter 8 - You

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TW: Blood (like talked about a lot, and described), hospitals


Matt followed the same path he had taken when he was bringing you to the hospital. It still smelled like you, and your blood.

He didn't even want to think about how much blood you had lost. He felt nauseous just entertaining the thought.

He desperately wanted to go back to you, to hold you, to assure you that everything would be alright.

But Daredevil couldn't do that. Matt could.

He needed to get home. He needed to get your blood off of him; it would be suspicious if he walked into a hospital covered with blood and not asking for any assistance, and just the general idea of your blood being on him made him woozy.

Blood never made him woozy. First time for everything, I guess.

He found himself back at the spot where he found you. A pool of your blood laid on the concrete, and he felt ill.

He climbed up the same building that he had clumsily gone down before, and from there he had to follow his own trail without the intense smell of blood to help him, which made things more difficult.

Still, he was the man without fear, and without letting himself doubt for a second he took off into the night.


It only took a few wrong turns and enough curses to kill God, but Matt made it. Stripping out of his Daredevil suit, he made his way to the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes on the way.

He turned the shower on, the sudden abrasive noise hurting his ears. He stepped in, not really caring if the water was warm or not. He just needs to wash your blood off him.

The smell of copper permeated the air as it rinsed off his body. He just let himself stand in the stream, letting the water do all the work; he was too exhausted to clean himself.

After standing in the water for a good minute and a half, he shut the water off, not wanting to waste any more time. Throwing on a pair of sweats and a random shirt, walked into his living room, grabbed his cane, and walked out the door. Then he picked up the phone, calling Foggy to let him know the situation.

Foggy was the only person, besides you now, that knew he was Daredevil. Matt didn't want to reveal your secret to Foggy, so he would have to come up with some story.

It took a few rings before a very sleepy-sounding Foggy answered the phone. "Matt, I swear to God-"

Matt didn't even bother to reprimand him for using the Lord's name in vain, just saying your name to cut him off. "She's hurt."

Matt could hear the shuffling of sheets as Foggy got up, "Fuck, Matt, what happened? Where is she?"

"I-, I found her while I was patrolling," Matt answered. "She was in an alleyway. I think she got jumped, maybe even robbed. Or-" Matt didn't even allow himself to finish that sentence. Even if he was lying, he couldn't bring himself to say that such horrid things had happened to you.

"She's at Mount Sinai West Hospital," Matt answered the second part of Foggy's question. "How quickly can you get here?"

"If I follow the laws of traffic, it's about 8 minutes. Expect me in three." With a click, Foggy hung up, and Matt made his way outside his complex, waiting until Foggy arrived.


Foggy was not exaggerating when he said he would be there in three minutes. Matt could hear the tires squealing as he sped to Matt's apartment. When he heard the car be put into park, he briskly made his way to his car. Matt barely had time to sit down before Foggy was speeding off.

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