Chapter 5 - Realizations

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"Hey, who's that girl next door? She seems sweet," Karen commented, oblivious to the sudden tension in both Foggy and Matt's bodies at the sensitive topic. Karen had been just recently appointed as Nelson and Murdock's secretary, and the three of them were eating lunch together in the shared office space.

Stammering, Matt sought out to find an answer, but nothing came out. Foggy stepped in quickly, "She, uh, just someone me and Matt went to school with. She's a lawyer, like us. A really good one at that."

Matt nodded along vehemently, willed for this conversation to end, and tried to calm his racing heart. After coming to his senses a few days ago, he couldn't even talk about you without him getting nervous. Matt Murdock, Daredevil, the man without fear, was scared of you. And it unsettled him.

He hadn't felt this way in years, really. Even when he dated Elektra for a moment, he never felt this fluttering in his chest, or the longing to be with you. This was different, and Matt wasn't sure if he was ready for change.

Matt could tell that Karen knew something was up between you and him, and he could feel her quizzical gaze scorching into his skin. "Well," she started, "if that's the case, why don't I invite her over for lunch?"

Before Matt could decline the offer, Foggy stepped in again, "Yes, that would be amazing. Why don't you get her right now?"

Karen, with a smile on her face, walked out of their office, and as soon as Matt heard the door click shut he grabbed Foggy's arm. "What the hell are you doing," he whisper-shouted, "are you trying to make her hate me?"

"Well, no, but I figured this would be a comfortable environment for us to get resituated in. And she can get to know Karen, so it's a double-win situation."

Matt clearly wasn't very convinced, so Foggy grabbed his shoulder and with a reassuring squeeze said, "this will be fine, alright? I'll be here to make sure nothing bloody happens."

As soon as they heard the door click back open, they both dropped the grips they had on each other, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Matt half-expected you to reject the offer, but to his horror (or to his delight, he couldn't quite tell) you walked in behind Karen.


When you had heard Karen's offer, you thought it was some sort of sick joke, and you nearly slammed the door in her face. Luckily Karen caught the apprehension in time and assured you that it was a genuine offer, but you didn't have to come if you didn't want to.

Mentally, you started to list off the pros and cons of accepting her deal: Pros being that you would get to know Karen, you got to talk to Foggy, and maybe Murdock would nod your way. Cons, Murdock or you would make some comment, setting the other person off, and the lunch would end in a fight, also preventing you from talking to Foggy or Karen.

You mentally shoved all your anxieties into a box labeled Do Not Open, and you gave Karen a nod, "Yeah, I'll come. Just let me grab my food real quick."

Grabbing your Tupperware filled with whatever you packed this morning (honestly you had no idea, you were barely awake when you made it), you followed Karen to the trio's office.

Karen disappeared behind the door, and before you followed you took a deep breath, hoping that it would calm your nerves. Then you stepped inside, plastering a small smile on your face, trying to appear somewhat happy to be here.

As soon as you walked in Foggy stood up and gave you a shoulder embrace, trying to ease the tension that hung in the air. "Thanks for coming, Tigress. Really, this is amazing. I've missed hanging with you."

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