Kronos finds injured children

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As Kronos was patrolling the area of vale he happened apon weak life signs deep in the caverns of the ruins of vale expansion he sent out a drone and a couple minicons to investigate the LeaD drone was a mining drill with a turret of a tank on top and the minicons where kaboose and and Maine the main battle tank twins and as they tunnel down to the life signs they find them selfs in a mine they look around and find white fang using human and faunus children as mining slaves kaboose got angry and charged the white fang

My name is Michael j kaboose and i...hate.......slavery
Kaboose said as he continues to beat the living hell out of the white fang troops the white fang admin come in to see them and charges at kaboose they engage in a power struggle but Maine just shoots him not saying anything the children are scared by them but the drill drone comes up to them turns and a hatch opens up as a voice says over the comlink come with me if you want to live the children clime in and the injured ones are helped by the stronger kids and the malnourished ones are placed in the cots in side on the mining tank about 30 in all of those ten are injured and 8 are malnourished as the rescue team make it to the surface they a cornered by more white fang kaboose and Maine engage in combat while the mining tank provides cover fire they are slowly loosing the fight but then a huge shadow covers the area and the white fang look up to see as huge ship the it fires at them completely destroying them then the ship sends out pick up aircraft to retrieve the rescue team once the kids come out of the mining tank the are met with multiple minicons that lead them to the med bay and carry the sick and injured when they get there they meet summer in her new power armer with tower shoulder armer and m1a1 style chest plate she smiles at the children then goes into mother mod as she sees there condition she takes care of them with utmost care and compassion once the children are taken care of they site and cry as the realize that the are free but have no where to go as there families and villages where destroyed summer ask what was wrong and the oldest told her the fate of there families and villages she knew what needed to be done and asked Kronos if he would accept once the children heard the ship respond they where confused then summer smiled at them and said they have a home here with her and Kronos there protector they smile at her and group hugged her from then on Kronos has been targeting white fang installations freeing the prisoners and rescuing the children setting free the prisoners and taking in the ones that had no family to go to Kronos and summer gained the titles orphan guardian and mother Valkyrie Kronos has used the first mine as a way to get dust mostly power dust and lots of it he had enough to awaken his father metroplex Once the children learned of him he became there home or as the world called it orphan city from then on all orphens went there because metroplex was the safest city in remnant even the ones that where set for abortion where taken out if there unwanting parents and safly raised from embrio to young child as minicons take care of them under the supervision of summer she care for all of them and metroplex vowed to keep them safe no matter what even Kronos as he annihilated any enemy with extreme prejudice the city had no crime and no danger everyone got along setting example for the other cities even becoming greater then atlas much to there shock and disapproval though they knew if they tried to put them down a notch they them self would be destroyed so they stayed away from that as much as they could Kronos even got multiple sets of proof to land Jacques in jail for centuries And that's what he did willow got everything back and she made Kronos to have half the company so he used this as a chance to build onto the cities and expand the company to many fields like security construction and city defence he expanded the cities and there defences and unknowingly started to defeat the grim queen and thanks to Kronos they are now able to mine under water and to mine deeper in the ground with greater safety and he also made medical facilities onsite in mines and advanced the medical field all by him self now the schnee industry is officially the most wealthy and powerful in the world but Kronos made it to where the company can not be used for evil or greed they give half there money the make a year to charity and healthcare while the rest is mainly used to pay workers and maintenance everything and to restock so far Kronos has given the people of remnant a golden age just like cibertron but he learned from the past and made it impossible for the fall like cibertron experienced he even gave them space travel setting up colony worlds and mining worlds and set up solar satellites around the sun that produce solare battery's that are now the main power source of remnants people under the schnee company

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