chapter eleven

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When Rowan and Jude come back from training just before dinner, I embrace Rowan in a hug

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When Rowan and Jude come back from training just before dinner, I embrace Rowan in a hug. "How was training? I got to see some highlights from this morning, and it looked like you were killing it."

Rowan turns her head up. "You saw footage from this morning?"

"Yeah, with Johanna. We were taken to this highly technologized room," I say.

"Then you must've seen the incident," Rowan says almost casually.

I take Rowan's arm and drag her away from the others in the room. "What incident?"

"That hurt, El," Rowan complains. "The incident with Jude and the Careers. That's what I was referring to."

"What incident with Jude and the Careers?" I insist.

"So they didn't show that to you," Rowan says, thinking out loud. "Did you see any footage with Jude and the Careers?"

I cross my arms and lean against the wall behind me. "Yeah. I saw Jude hit a target with that throwing knife and the Careers looking impressed. He's impressive with that knife."

Rowan proceeds solemnly. "After the Careers exchanged their little glances, Alexis, the District Two girl, went over to him and tried to beat the shit out of him. Atala dragged her off him before any real damage was done. Alexis probably got one or two good punches in, though. The rest of the Careers were laughing their heads off."

"Oh, my God," I say, envisioning little Jude being beat up by willowy yet strong Alexis. "Did you see it yourself?"

"I was with Ripleigh when it happened. I tried to help him, Elowen, I did. Ripleigh told me it was best to not interfere."

I click my tongue. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He was basically fully recovered by late afternoon. Still a bit dazed, though," Rowan says before adding, "Apparently there will be repercussions for Alexis. I don't know how accurate that information is, though."

"Okay, good," I reply. "Let's go back. Dinner will be ready soon."


After dinner, I head outside to the roof, away from Johanna and my sister and Jude. It's probably my favourite spot in this entire place - away from most of the constant Capitol commotion.

I stare blankly ahead at the dark Capitol skyline, at the modern, shimmering buildings and listen to the distant sounds of Capitol residents chattering animatedly far below. The wind whips in my ears and sends a cool current across my face, blowing my long hair back in dark strands that mildly resemble a dark cloud of smoke or fog.

"If I say 'hey', will you get scared?" Johanna's soprano voice teases.

I turn around and roll my eyes. "Very funny."

Johanna stands beside me. "It's a valid question. Whenever I do it, you get all jumpy. Scaredy-cat."

"Shut up," I grumble.

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