Episode 2: You can see me?!

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Carlos POV

"Julie wake u-" I said as I entered her room. Just to be greeted by her snuggling with some boy who looks ✨vaguely familiar✨. They both jump up out of their sleep. However before they could wake up I might have taken a pic or two for research

"Julie who is this and what are you doing?!!" 

"U-uh I c-can explain umm this is- wait you can see him"

"You can see me" Her and this unknown boy who still looks familiar say in together suprised as if im not supposed to. EVen tho he is in my sisters room, in her bed.

"uh ya why wouldn't I unless....IS THIS ONE OF THE PHANTOMS?!" I say yelling at the end


Julie POV

"SHHHH Carlos, Dad might hear" I say trying to shush him before my dad comes up stairs.

"Alright fine but if he is one of the ghosts, then, that's why he looked  familiar" I roll my eyes

"wait, how can you see me tho, like what does it look like?"

"Well you look kinda pale like a vampire, your hair could use some styling and why are you wearing a muscle tee?" he says taunting Luke which seems to be working. Luke looks cute when hes upset

"Hey! seriously!"

"Ok ok fine, um well you are kinda like see through-ish but it's slowly filling in as we speak...YEP now I can see you fully and boy are you ug-"

"HEY enough ok, so you can see him now what does that mean. Could it be because I told you the truth about them." 

"Idk about that. I mean you did tell me yesterday but what does that have to do with anything." He says as I kinda agree with him

"Hey Jules" Luke speaks up as I look back at him and stare into his precious eyes as my face heats up.

"Yea whats up"

"What if we ar-"He is cut off by my dad as he yells upstairs

"Julie are you up its almost 7:30?!"

"yea Dad I'm up, sorry guys gotta stop this convo so I can get ready for school, so...get out" Luke and Carlos walk to the door to leave. After getting ready I head downstairs to eat breakfast when...


I wonder who that could be its kinda early. I hop up out of my chair and walk over to the door to be greeted by...

"Nick, Hey.....what are you doing here" I say with a fake smile as I feel a bit weird because I rejected him.

"Oh yea, I just wanted to um congratulate you on last nights performance, yea, so i got you some umm...flowers, yep some flowers" He hands them to me and I smell them. They are Roses. Not my favorite but whatever ig. Its the thought that matters.

"Thanks Nick that sweet is that all you needed tho I was kinda trying to eat before I head out" I say trying to get back inside

"uh yea- Hey would you like to walk to school together today?" He asks weirdly he's never asked before why now after I rejected him. Whatever prob puberty or something

"Sorry Nick I was walking with Flynn today maybe some other time tho, yea"

"Yea, well bye see ya at school" He says as he walks off. He sure does seem to be walking funny too. Looks like he has a stick up hi-

"Bye" I wave and shut the door. Well that was kinda weird if you ask me. He seems more..awkward than usual. Its probably nothing tho. I need to get ready for school and leave out the door it's almost 8:00.


Time skip-

Julie POV

Yes im done and its 8:00. Now I can head over to Flynn's so we can walk together. After walking and walking I am finally here

"FLYNN!" out of breath I say. She runs over to me.

"Jules, hey what's up"

"Nothing much I'm just tired I just ran like 4 blocks to meet you on time" I say sarcastically

"Yea yea any tea today?"

"Uhh yea ig, Carlos found out about the boys and he can see them, Me and Luke slept together last night, and Nick was awfully strange this morning, when he can to bring me flowers for last nights performance. Is that it? Yep that covers it all"

"Ok, hopefully Carlos doesn't tell anyone" I nod " Nick is always weird no surprise there maybe hes going through puberty or something late" I nod again " BUT YOU AND LUKE WHAT?!" I instantly start blushing

"Its not a big deal, we just cuddled and went to sleep" 

"Ok first off why was he in your room and second are you sure that's all you did" She say winking

"EW Flynn, ugh he was in my room because I screamed and was crying" She looks at me and lifts one eyebrow up "I had a nightmare" She nods "and I asked him to stay and to answer your second question YES I am VERY sure." I playfully roll my eyes

"ok ok you know I'm just teasing don't get you microphone in a knot"  she says as she put her hands up in a 'woah' motion

"ok it's fine, lets just head to school" I say as we continue walking


Hello there this is the end of "episode" 2. It is shorter than the last but I hope you loved it just as much. Time for our question!

Question: What is your Favorite scene form JATP?

My fav scene is either the one in the studio, when Alex and Reg talk abt Luke and Julie's Chemistry or that one part on stage during Finally Free. ifykyk lmao. 

Put yours in the comment section!!

924 words

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