Chapter Five Cinq Cinqo

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Sorry for not updating :/ gosh need to keep a schedule. I have bronchitis, so I hope it doesn't spread through reading stories online. :) I love all you guys, anyway, here's your story:

Annas POV

Tomorrow is attempt one to get Megan out. I put my earbuds in and turned up whatever was playing. Tchaikovsky. Perfect.

I knew there was no way I could get the other cheerleaders on board, seeing as though Im at the bottom of the pyramid. I was going to have to do this on my own. I had planned it all out last night. A bit short on time I will admit but it is still a great plan. You see, even though Megsy (my new name for her) was dating that obnoxious oblivious stupid guy who is now MY boyfriend, everyone knows that she likes a boy named Cyle Matthwes. I haven't been stalking Cyle pour say, I would more call it observing his life at school. Every day after he eats, he and a group of his friends go to the top of the stairs considering that our cafeteria is in the basement. About five or ten minutes later Megsy and her friends leave. Usually I leave with them, but today I will leave early and buy a slushy. then I will leave and go talk to Cyle. As soon as Megsy comes up, I will start going down, and Megsy will soon have a slushy facial. Saw it on Glee, I know what I'm doing!


There was one flaw in my plan. If the slushy got in anyone else, it might ACTUALLY look like an accident. There was also the fact that Megan doesn't even know her part yet. Man. Then the biggest problem. I just heard Cyle say to his friends that he has Basketball now. And with finals and a tourney coming up he has to go to practice at lunch now. Crap! At least the tourney is on the weekend, when Megan will find out her part. I'll post pone the attack to next week, maybe then she will take it as more if a threat. I don't want to have to go to the extreme. because she really is a nice girl, it would be a pity.


Kayla's POV.

Friday! FINALLY. I have a full day of awesomeness! Tonight is not only Mine and Megan's super awesome early go to sleep sleepover (Company in the morning) but it is also the school dance!!! I haven't been this excited for a dance since Adam Cavalier asked me to grade ten prom last year. Wait? Is it just me? Or am I excited because that's exactly what happened again? YES.

I rushed over to Megan's after eating, and told her about the conversation over the phone with Adam. She was happy, but she also seemed consumed in her own world. She wasn't the jumpy excited, smiley, but still calm Megan I knew. She was a dreary, slightly paranoid, and tired version of my best friend. As much as I knew what ballet took out of her, I had never seen her like this. And I didn't like it.

"Megan! What is up with you!" I silently yelled at her once we were in the safety of her room.

"I, I do- I d- don't kn- know." She replied. Why was she stammering? She was acting like she had hypothermia or something.

I scowled at her. She looked at me with confusion.

"If you don't snap out of whatever trance you are in this second! I am LEAVING!" I told her. She looked at me helplessly and said

"It's her. It's Anna." with that I grabbed my things and walked straight out the door, ignoring her mothers calls of questions. I stopped. I turned around and looked Megan's mom square in the eye. And said

"You. Are. A. Monster. Look. What. You. Did."

---Annas POV

Tomorrow is attempt one to get Megan out. I put my earbuds in and turned up whatever was playing. Tchaikovsky. Perfect.

I knew there was no way I could get the other cheerleaders on board, seeing as though Im at the bottom of the pyramid. I was going to have to do this on my own. I had planned it all out last night. A bit short on time I will admit but it is still a great plan. You see, even though Megsy (my new name for her) was dating that obnoxious oblivious stupid guy who is now MY boyfriend, everyone knows that she likes a boy named Cyle Matthwes. I haven't been stalking Cyle pour say, I would more call it observing his life at school. Every day after he eats, he and a group of his friends go to the top of the stairs considering that our cafeteria is in the basement. About five or ten minutes later Megsy and her friends leave. Usually I leave with them, but today I will leave early and buy a slushy. then I will leave and go talk to Cyle. As soon as Megsy comes up, I will start going down, and Megsy will soon have a slushy facial. Saw it on Glee, I know what I'm doing!


There was one flaw in my plan. If the slushy got in anyone else, it might ACTUALLY look like an accident. There was also the fact that Megan doesn't even know her part yet. Man. Then the biggest problem. I just heard Cyle say to his friends that he has Basketball now. And with finals and a tourney coming up he has to go to practice at lunch now. Crap! At least the tourney is on the weekend, when Megan will find out her part. I'll post pone the attack to next week, maybe then she will take it as more if a threat. I don't want to have to go to the extreme. because she really is a nice girl, it would be a pity.


Kayla's POV.

Friday! FINALLY. I have a full day of awesomeness! Tonight is not only Mine and Megan's super awesome early go to sleep sleepover (Company in the morning) but it is also the school dance!!! I haven't been this excited for a dance since Adam Cavalier asked me to grade ten prom last year. Wait? Is it just me? Or am I excited because that's exactly what happened again? YES.

I rushed over to Megan's after eating, and told her about the conversation over the phone with Adam. She was happy, but she also seemed consumed in her own world. She wasn't the jumpy excited, smiley, but still calm Megan I knew. She was a dreary, slightly paranoid, and tired version of my best friend. As much as I knew what ballet took out of her, I had never seen her like this. And I didn't like it.

"Megan! What is up with you!" I silently yelled at her once we were in the safety of her room.

"I, I do- I d- don't kn- know." She replied. Why was she stammering? She was acting like she had hypothermia or something.

I scowled at her. She looked at me with confusion.

"If you don't snap out of whatever trance you are in this second! I am LEAVING!" I told her. She looked at me helplessly and said

"It's her. It's Anna." with that I grabbed my things and walked straight out the door, ignoring her mothers calls of questions. I stopped. I turned around and looked Megan's mom square in the eye. And said

"You. Are. A. Monster. Look. What. You. Did."


Ohhh what's gonna happen. Lol. I feel like i need to write a lot more because, this is prewritten on my iPod and well, it's almost done all I have :/ sorry. I am going to focus on this. Focus focus focus.

Anyway, comment question of the day is:

Who's side are you on, Kayla's or Megan's? Toughie.

BTW I have a twitter! You can follow me it is


Fan :)

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From Canada Avec l'amour


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2011 ⏰

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