Keep Me Hanging on Chapter Four

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Ok guys, this is the make up part from yesterday. Um, well I don't really have anything else to say so ah here you go:



Annabelle's POV

As soon as the words escaped I knew I had to cover them.

"Jk of course!" I quickly said. I couldn't have Megan thinking that I would steal the part from her. Although, I would do anything in my power to do so. And by that I do mean ANYTHING.

I waited for a propper response, but Megan just stood there, in shock. Then again, why wouldn't she be in shock. She didn't know that I was this good. She didn't know that I have been secretly taking ballet lessons after coming back from that stupid recovery school. But to keep it secret, I just had to watch my weight. Make sure it stayed to same. Eat crap like pizza with the other cheerleaders. Stuff like that.

Megan turned her head for the first time in about five minutes. Her face was now drained of all the colour, and was now white. She pointed to the door frame and I turned to see who was there. It was Megan's mom, here to pick us up. I followed Megan, ready to leave, all the way to they're car. Yes. The stupid people owned a car. What person in NewYork actually drove themselfs around?!

The first words to escape Megans mouth were almost a whisper to her mother. They quietly talked in the front while I planned ways to get Megan in the back. School humiliation would be one to start. Then I could get deeper, more personal. Threatening. Maybe even blackmail. The poor soul would have to give me the part after that. Get 'sick' and drop out.

Megan had the lead. She got the part she wanted. She got the part that [i]I [/i]wanted.

By the time I was done annalyzing my first attempt to steal the role, we were at my building. I got out with a smile on my face and thanked them a bunch. Megan's face was still white. She just nodded in response.

I rushed up the stairs to my room, too energetic to take the elevator.

"Mom Dad! I got an Understudy part!" I yelled Crap. I forgot that they didn't know.

"Pardon me?" my mother asked.

"Well. I'msosorry! I'vebeendoingballetandItriedoutforaroleinapreformancewith MEGAN and I got an understudy part." I said the words very fast, but my mother could still understand.

She walked around me and then smiled. She huged me tight.

"You haven't lost any weight doing it!" She exclaimed "Im so proud of you! Of COURSE you can have the role! You're father will be so happy!"

Yes. I. Had. Gotten. Back. In.


Kayla's POV

I ran over to Megan's penthouse as soon as I heard then get in. I knocked in the door gentely, knowing how tired Megan can be after Ballet. She could already be asleep!

Megan's mother opened the door.

"Kayla!" She exclaimed. Megs mom LOVES me. "Come in come in. Megan is in her room right now. Please sit on the chair outside. She's changing. I can't belive she didn't do that at the studio though.

Would you like some cookies? I made them just before I went to pick Meg up." I had to wait a second, so I said yes. As much as Megan doesn't like her mom for ballet, no one can deniy her baking. I sit down on the island counter on one of the high stools, like always. Kleea(AN: like kleo with an A insted), Megan's mom, brought me some milk and a chocolate cookie. I could see that she had also made some peanut butter cookies, but she knows I'm allergic.

Soon Megan joined us. Her skin blotchy, and her eyes drozey. She didn't say anything at first. Just ate her cookie. I was glad to see her eating again. She had droped ten pounds this week, and about thirty this month.

"Hey!" I said remembering. Then I remembered her mom. I quickly changed what I was about to say. "ah, how was auditions." Her face was now in the middle of a smile and a frown.

"I know I got a good part, but I don't know what it is. But guess WHAT."

"What?" I said anxseously.

"Annabelle is my understudy. Yes. Anna is in the company." Megan told me. My jaw dropped. We all hated Anna, but to have Megan be tourchered even more was like nails on a chalk board to my ears.

"Lets go to my room." she finally said. We put our dishes into the dish washer and walked down the hall to Megans room ..


Megans POV

"She scares me." I told Kayla as we fell onto my bed. We stared up at the fake stars on the ceiling, the ones that my mother ha put up after I won my first ballet trophy when I was four. The biggest one, right in the center, had a small arrow pointing to it. Next to the arrow was my name. Since Kayla and I spent so much time staring, one day I decided to draw an arrow next to the second biggest, and write Kayla's name.

"Annabelle? Or your Mom?" Kayla asked. She knew I meant Anna, because despite all the ballet crap, Kayla thought my mom was pretty awesome.

"She was acting really weird on the car ride home." I told Kayla.

"When is Anna NOT weird? And mean for that matter." Kayla said this reassuringly, and I noticed my voice had been shaking.

"No, Kayla be serious. She was super jittery and talkative on the way to dance, and after she just shut up. I didn't even have to ask her. And she forgot about getting out when we were at her building. We had to say her name like five times!" I sat up now, looking straight at the mirror. My eyes were wet, and a hot tear slowly slipped down my face. I had never cried about a person like this before. I had never cried in fear. Crying in fear made me even more scared.

"She probably just wasn't stressed out anymore." Kayla told me.

"No. She had this look on her face. One that wasn't calm. It was like she was planning something."


Sorry! Forgot about telling you, today is the start of the point of views! Yea so the point of views will be Kayla's Megan's and Anna's and maybe even a surprise character later on :) Also, if you haven't heard what has happened in Japan, I suggest you look it up. If you remember Haiti last year, this is kind if like that. I encourage you to donate a little money, I have some friends with family there, and they are going through a really tough time. Any relief Japan can get right now is great, even if you can pray for them or keep them in your heart.


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