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She sat on the upholstered chair and watched her reflection in the jade-forged mirror while Marjorie brushed her wavy hair.

"You look lost in your thoughts this evening, Katerina", shyly stated her lady in waiting and the closest friend she had. She looked in the reflection at her hazel eyes, freckled nose, and smiled.

"It seems that these festivities have become a matter of habit for me," she shrugged. "I'm not as excited as I used to be."

"Maybe it's because you haven't met someone yet who will make these celebrations fun for you," giggled Marjorie, and then shyly hid behind Katerina's hair.

"Maybe," she replied with an enigmatic smile. "However, not all of us are lucky enough to have one Marcus to flirt with."

Marjorie covered her lips with her hand and giggled along with the princess. "After all, I think there are more important things than that at the moment. I must make a good impression on all the guests of Windfalls if I am to rule a successful kingdom when the time comes.''

"You are right, princess. The Queen will be proud of your priorities.''

When she was done with the braid that adorned her lush brown hair that reached the middle of her back, she took one more look at her reflection and the pale complexion that matched her ruby colored dress. Marjorie reminded her - once again - to hurry as the guests began to arrive in large numbers, and she rushed down the spacious corridor that was decorated with dozens of statues from the Byzantine period and paintings from the Renaissance era, all of which came to the fore in the turquoise interior.

Her ears were caressed by the gentle notes of the orchestra in the center of the ceremonial hall, which was slowly filling up with guests from all parts of Ravenshield. Although the kingdom of the Alekseyev's was modest and did not rule a large part of the country – Windfalls was actually a piece of northern Ravenshield intended for the people who were engaged in hunting and fishing – Ilia Alekseyev and Ines Alekseyeva were the honorable and respectable king and queen of this court. A year earlier, King Alekseyev had left the entire kingdom in mourning, succumbing to a vicious disease that had been eating away at his lungs for years.

Katerina came up to greet Count and Countess Sidorov and comb through the usual topics at such festivities: how wonderful the setting is, who was in charge of the feast, condolences for king's passing (again), but also when the young princess will choose a lifelong partner - all the things she felt like having measles from. It was unusual enough that her mother ran her kingdom entirely by herself, let alone that her only heir intended to rule the same kingdom without a male hand. Seeing her mother strutting next to the Duke of Dustville in a velvet dress that accentuated her figure that many of the women of Ravenshield could envy, she excused herself to her interlocutors and walked towards her.

"Katerina, dear, I was just wondering where you were," she gently pecked her on both cheeks and moved a stray curl of her hair behind her forehead with slender fingers. "It's not nice to be late for your own celebration. Our guests will think all sorts of things.''

"Mother, you know that's the last thing I would want."

She giggled softly, and Katerina wrapped an arm around her slender arm. It was time to walk around the hall so that everyone would see them.

"Do you think we'll ever stop these parties?" Queen Alekseyeva breathed out with a smile.

"My soul tells me yes, but my obligation to the people tells me no."

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