She Fuckin' Hates Me - Part 2

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Dee was waiting outside for y/n just like they had asked of him. They weren't there, and he was starting to think they'd stood him up.

Just as he'd had enough and was about to leave, he saw them come sprinting out the doors. Running down the steps, they stopped in front of him, panting slightly.

"Sorry I'm late, I.. I was stopped by a teacher to.. talk to me about the mock trials." As they regained their breath and composure, Dee tutted and started walking.

Y/n was honestly impossible. And they always took on way too many clubs, then burnt out and stressed about it. Dee had considered taking part in the mock trials, but decided it wasn't his scene. Trust them to join though. Apparently he made the right decision - he doesn't want to spend any more time with them than he has to.

Y/n ran to catch up with him. "Hey! Where are you going? My house is the other way!"

"Change of plan," Dee stated, enjoying the control over the conversation - y/n was pissed already - "we're going to my place now."

Y/n sputtered at him. He couldn't just change plans like that! "Excuse me! I didn't agree to this!"

"Well I'm not going to yours, so you either come to my place, or fail the project." Dee smirked, knowing he had them in checkmate. He kept walking, whether they followed or not would be their decision, and no further words were needed.

He smirked more when they reluctantly sighed and followed, once again jogging to catch up.
When the pair had reached Dee's house, Dee didn't stop to invite them in, only walked in and left the door open for them to follow.

Y/n joined him inside the house and glanced around taking everything in. As an artist, it was hard for y/n not to notice and get lost in their surroundings, observing and enjoying every tiny detail of what's around them. Y/n liked this home, with its unique style, perfectly fit for a unique family.

They stopped, waiting for Dee's instructions. However much they didn't get along, this was his home, and they would definitely be respectful. If not for him, then for his family, y/n was determined to be polite.

"We can study in my room." He stated, blankly, still not addressing them directly. "We'll have to go through my brother's room, but he's not here."

They followed, entering one room, then going through another door into what they assumed was Dee's room.

Dee immediately sat on his bed, and finally turned to them. He suddenly felt slightly self conscious watching their eyes roam around his room.

He had a shelf with awards on it: some trophies, some medals, some badges etc. What if they thought they were petty compared to their awards? He had loads of band posters on his walls, and loads of memorabilia from TV and video games. What if they thought they were stupid, or childish?

He really shouldn't care what y/n of all people thought of him, but for some odd reason, he didn't want to look small or stupid in their eyes.

Awkwardly he said, "You can sit down, you know." After he said it, he immediately regretted it, expecting them to sit next to him on his bed, and wasn't prepared for them to do that. To his relief, they gave a small smile, as if they'd waited for the permission, and sat on his desk chair.

It was then that he realised this was the first time he'd had someone other than family in his room. Dee had had plenty opportunities to have a romantic partner, but had never been too interested. Sometimes he'd take someone out somewhere, but it never lead to anything. And he'd certainly never had a someone enter his room, having few friends.

Dee wasn't a shy person. He sometimes became quite awkward in situations he was new to, or uncomfortable with, or on the off chance someone did grab his attention. In this moment, however, he was beginning to feel very awkward, and didn't know what to say.

Luckily, y/n got the ball rolling. "So, got any ideas?" 
A/N: ok, I definitely wasn't expecting this to be a 3-parter, but alas, here we are. It was getting too long to keep going, and the story would've felt rushed if I tried to squeeze it in, but the next part will be the last part. Let me know what you think, and feel free to request!
Hope you have a great day/night,
~ SonofaBeach

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