Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

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*Maya's POV*

As I head over to the ninja turtles' lair, Raph jumps out in front of me. A few seconds later, Mikey jumps behind him. Then, Donnie.

"Where's Leo?" I ask looking everywhere.

"He's still on the roof quoting Captain Ryan from Space Heroes," Mikey explains with a chuckle. I can't help but let out a chuckle, too.

"He's always quoting that guy," Raph states under his breath and I giggle.

Donnie isn't talking much and he's usually always talking about something smart. "Donnie, are you all right?" I ask and he looks nervous. 

"No! I know nothing!" he responds nervously. I go to say something else, but that's when Leo shows up.

"Guys, you didn't listen to me," he complains with a frown.

"Of course we were listening," Raph states walking over to Leo. "We just got bored."

"Whatever. Let's just go back to the lair, ok? I've had enough out here. Maya can come as well," Leo replies and begins heading back towards the lair. Donnie begins to follow him, except he looks very uneasy.

"Is Donnie ok?" I ask Mikey and Raph yet they both have certain looks of nervousness as well.

"Yep!" they shout in unison and begin heading back towards the sewer.

I shrug and begin to follow as well. I mean, I shouldn't give it much thought. These guys are weird from time to time.

*Donnie's POV*

I can't help it. I'm keeping one secret from Mikey, one secret from Raph, and two secrets from Leo and Maya. I know everything, yet everyone else seems to know nothing. How can Mikey and Raph have the same taste in girls? That just seems so weird since Mikey is sweet and caring and goofy and Raph is mean and cruel and serious. Complete opposites right there. Plus, what if Maya doesn't like any of us? What if she just likes them as friends and has a crush on Leo or something. That would be a disaster.

I head into my lab and shut the door behind me. I can't talk to Mikey, Raph, or Maya without accidentally spilling a secret. I'm not very good at keeping secrets. Especially secrets like these. I can't risk anything.

I hear knocking on the door. "Who is it?" I ask hoping it's Leo.

"Maya!" a feminine voice replies and I sigh. I can't be mean and shoo her away without her thinking there is something wrong. I'm just going to have to try my best at keeping this secret.

"Come in!" I manage to shout even though I don't want her in here right now. 

The door opens slightly and the turtle in a pink mask walks in slowly quietly closing the door behind her. She gives me a smile and walks towards me. "May I tell you something?" she asks obviously nervous about something.

"Sure," I respond trying to act like Raph and Mikey told me nothing. But, that's not true. They did tell me something. Something I wish they hadn't.

"I've been having weird feelings around Raph and Mikey," she admits and I mentally face palm. Maybe she can sense they both like her and she feels awkward being around them. Yes. That has to be it.

"Can you describe these feelings?" I ask listening very closely.

"Well, I have the same feelings for both of them. Whenever I'm around them, my heart rate increases and I feel butterflies in my stomach. For some reason, their touches have the same effect on me. It feels like electricity. But it only happens for them. See?" she says and grabs my hand as if waiting for something. "Nothing," she adds and pulls her hand away.

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