She Fuckin' Hates Me

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Summary: y/n and Dee never got along. Both were highly intelligent and competitive students. They always seemed to butt heads, but what neither knew was that they both secretly admired the other's traits, that they simply didn't have. It takes time for them to realise they're more similar than they thought. Dee x Reader
Y/n and Dee were at each other's throats, as per usual. Y/n got riled up easily, while Dee kept his witty, sarcastic remarks cool and collected. That's not to say he wasn't thoroughly annoyed - one more word and y/n knew he'd have a mini outburst, as aggravated people tend to do.

They both knew just how to push each other's buttons, and what the sure signs of victory were, knowing what got under the other's skin.

Anyone would tell you that the two were polar opposites. They would tell you that, past their common academic goals, the two had nothing in common. This wasn't true. They actually had many common interests, but neither ever paid enough attention to notice this, and everyone else only cared about the verbal battles rather than a possible make-up.

Y/n was high-strung and constantly stressed, Dee was calm, stoic, and collected. While Dee had a deep appreciation for art and music, he couldn't make them himself for shit, but to y/n, the arts came naturally as they often sketched and wrote music, playing in their band.

Y/n wanted Dee's ability to keep his cool, to not give a fuck about what people are saying, but not take shit all the same.

Dee wanted y/n's artistic skill, wanted to play instruments and read and write music, wanted to sketch and draw whatever came to mind.

In short, they were jealous of each other, and every time one of them bested each other in their common skill - knowledge, and academics - they took it hard, and personally, only fuelling their war.
All lesson, y/n and Dee had been fighting for the top spot in class, trying to answer more questions than the other, and trying to finish their work the quickest.

Their teacher was not dumb, and although he encouraged friendly competition, their rivalry had gotten out of hand.

That's right. It was partner project time!

When the teacher had announced a partner project, both were annoyed before they even knew the worst of it. Partner projects were annoying because it meant that they had to rely on someone else to help them get the grade they deserve, or end up doing twice the usual work alone.

It was then that the pre-chosen partners started to be announced... they listened and waited patiently for their names to be called.

It didn't take long for the outrage to settle in once their names were called together.

"Sir! You can't pair me with them!" Dee all but screamed across the room.

"The first and last time I'll ever say this, but I agree! We cannot work together!" Y/n hurriedly chimed in.

They teacher stopped reading off his list, anticipating this sort of reaction. "And why not?"

Dee sputtered for a minute with no good reason other than he didn't like them. It was times like this that y/n's stubborn and argumentative nature came in really handy.

"If you pair us together then our attitudes will clash and we won't be able to get anything done! If you pair us with someone we're more compatible with, we're more likely to get better grades." Y/n shot back, fully expecting their argument to win.

They were, however, wrong. "Yes, but my prime goal is to prepare you for the real world. Sometimes you'll get paired with someone you don't like, and you'll have to make the best of it." Their teacher spoke carefully, words already prepared for their backlash. "Besides, you're both very bright students, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Now no more on the subject."

Y/n and Dee glared at their teacher one more time before finally giving up and stewing with rage in their seats.
When the lesson ended, Dee reluctantly went over to y/n. "Do you want study at your place or mine?"

Y/n eyed him cautiously. "Who says we have to study at either? We can always study in the library."

"No, because the library closes sooner, giving us less time. Not to mention, we'd probably get kicked out for screaming at each other after five minutes of work."

He had a point.

"Fine. We'll go to my place after school, meet me outside." 
A/N: ok, I wasn't planning to, but I'm going to make this a two-parter, because it's already longer than I expected. Let me know what you think, and feel free to request!
Hope you have a great day/night,
~ SonofaBeach

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