#40 Forgiveness

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The fast paced world we are currently living in has consciously or unconsciously made us intolerant to the mistakes of others. Just because we aren't guilty of committing a particular misdeed, doesn't make us immune to our own fair share of shortcomings. The thing to realise is that we are all imperfect and prone to sinning creations of the All Mighty and Perfect Lord.

"Let them pardon and overlook. Would you not love for Allah to forgive you? Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (Quran 24:22)

Hence, we too need to observe patience in face of the flaws of others, while trying our best to overlook them. Instead keeping our focus on forgiving them just for the sake of earning Allah's pleasure. Either ways, as you go on in life you realise that the only way to go on in this Dunya is by not dwelling on the failures; whether they're of your own making or others. Ignore and move on—is the rule to live by for the sake of your own peace and well being.

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