chapter 5: misson begin (season 2 episode 2) pt1

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So this is where the story finally begins!

Start of recap...

"Maybe I wasn't doing anything apart from annoying Uncle Bones but then he dropped me outside, so I think I annoyed him to much" I explain to him but he ends up laughing.

"Wow lassy, I haven't heard anyone do that to thr Dr apart from the Captain himself" said the person sitting with Pavel he had a loud Scottish accent and was wearing a red shirt.

"Oh you must be T'pell, I've heard alot about you from the Captain, I'm Montgomery Scott but everyone calls me Scotty" he said a wide grin on his face.

"A pleasure to meet you sir"i say giveing him a tiny smile, after that meeting Scotty introduces me to the other Bridge members I have not met before.

Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

"Gentlemen. Come along, my dear." Said Scotty as he led Carolyn away from the Captain and his CMO. McCoy then turned back to Jim. "I'm not sure I like that, Jim" he says making Jim raise an Eyebrow "Why, Bones? Scotty's a good man" says the Captain as his officer officer shakes his head.

"And he thinks he's the right man for her, but I'm not sure she thinks he's the right man. On the other hand, she's a woman. All woman. One day she'll find the right man and off she'll go, out of the service" ranted the Dr as Jim listened to him.

Jim looked at Bones "I like to think of it not so much losing an officer as gaining" he mused a smile on his face. Scotty rolled his eyes "Come along." He said to the Lady on his arm. He and Carolyn enter the turbolift as T'Pell got of it.

The Half Vulcan raised an eyebrow as she stepped out of the lift but didn't question it she has been on the Enterprise for a couple of weeks now and had gotten used to everything that happend.

The 15 year old then made her way over to her Papa and Uncle. "Looks like Scotty has a new date" she said making the two men laugh. "I guess you could say that sweetie" laughed Jim as he ruffled his daughters hair.

This made T'Pell sigh and look around for Pavel she then spots him at the controls of course he was there, she then watched the older boy from behind, not noticing how her Papa and Uncle raised their eyebrows at her.

Bones then turned to Jim "looks like soctty isn't the only one in love"he mutters making Jim glare at him "Shut up Bones" he grumbled making the Dr laugh aloud instead of shutting up.

Chekov then spoke up from the front "Entering standard orbit around Pollux Four, sir." He called

Jim and Bones Bones became serious but kept an eye on T'Pell, "Cartographic Detail, stand by." Said Jim.

"Standing by, sir" called Uhura.

"Preliminary reports, Mister Spock." Saod Jim and he looked at his Husband. Spock then reported "Pollux Four. Class M type planet, oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere. Sensors indicate no life forms. Approximate age four billion years. Judged no reason for contact. In all respects, quite ordinary, Captain."

"Cartographic Sections, implement standard orders." Asked Jim to Uhura

"All cartographic standards full automatic." came the communications officer.

Everyone then looked forward at Sulu voice "Captain?" He Questioned. T'Pell gasped at what was on the screen.

Bones eyes widened "What in the name of?"

Where there was originally an image of a nice blue and white planet there is now a .... hand?

Coming out of shock Jim spoke and turned to Spock "Analysis, Mister Spock." He asks

Spoxk nods and turns around to work out what it is. "Am I seeing things?" Chekov spoke making T'Pell shake her head not saying anything she was shocked at what she was seeing.

"Not unless I am, too. Captain, that thing's a giant hand." Said Sulu stating the obvious.

"What is it, Mister Spock? Is it a hand?"Asks Jim wanting answers from his Science Officer. "Negative, Captain. Not living tissue." Came his Vulcan husband.

"A trick, then? A projection?" Asked T'Pell speaking up for the first time in a while. Spock turns to his daughter and shakes his head "Not a projection, T'Pell A field of energy" he answered making her nod.

The Hand continued to follow them "hard about" ordered Jim making sulu act "Hard about. We can't seem to get away from it" came the helmsman as he tried to turn the Enterprise away.

"It's almost as if it means to grab us." Says Uhura from her station eye locked on the screen much like everyone else's.

"Reverse all engines."

"All engines reverse."

Everyone is thrown forward as the ship is grabbed by the hand and stopped in its tracks. T'Pell slides forward and slams hard into Chekovs chair the Ensign quickly grabs her stopping the girl from falling.

"Thank you Pavel" she said as the two blushed.

"We're dead still, Captain. Helm doesn't answer. We can't move." Said Sulu giving out more bad news to everyone.

"Oh no" muttered T'Pell as she looked at her Parents faces.

Captain's log, stardate 3468.1. While approaching Pollux Four, a planet in the Beta Geminorum system, the Enterprise has been stopped in space by an unknown force of some kind.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count: 910

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