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Naina stumbled, unable to comprehend what just happened. It seemed the wind was trapped! It was restless to move out. Now that she had opened the door, the thing that was inside had escaped.

She looked around the shabby room. What caught her attention was the soot marks on the wall. The black curtains were not actually black, the accumulation of black smoke had turned it black. One could still see the faded white fabric at the corners.

Naina entered the dusty room while coughing. The heap of old articles were laden with a thick layer of dust. She felt difficulty in breathing yet she walked in. She saw an upside-down photo kept at the corner. Before she could take a glimpse at it the main gate opened. Fearing that she would be scolded for opening the forbidden door, she hurriedly kept the keys in their original place and resumed her chores.

At night, she couldn't get a wink of sleep. The strange room and the upside-down photo frame made her uncomfortable. She had a feeling that something was horribly wrong.

While she lay awake, a sudden scream rang in the house. "Fire! Somebody, please save me" a voice echoed through the house.

Naina sat upright, trembling in fear. She ran to the living room thinking somebody was in trouble. To her surprise, there wasn't a single soul. When she turned to return to her room, a faint noise was heard near the back door. A sound that was something between scratching and knocking.

She went towards the door with wobbly legs and asked "who's there?".

There wasn't a single reply. Upon asking a few more times, Naina was frustrated. Her curiosity took over her and she opened the door.

A blast of chilled wind greeted her. She shuddered under the impact of the coldness. She squinted her eyes but couldn't see anybody. When she looked down, there was a pitch-black cat with shiny green eyes.

Naina didn't believe in superstition. In fact, she loved animals. She pitied the black cat who was out in the cold.

She took it in her arms and made her way to the kitchen. She poured some milk into a bowl and offered it to the cat.

The cat looked at her quizzically but didn't sniff the milk. She slightly forced it but the next moment the cat gave a nasty scar on her hand and ran out of the kitchen window. She winced in pain and the bowl of milk dropped from her hand. The hurt was unusual. It was deeper and severe than the normal hurts. At that moment, she couldn't think as to why the cat had done such a thing. All she could think was of her bleeding hand.

She managed to sleep suppressing the throbbing pain but the next morning the first thing she did was to visit the hospital.

Naina had received bruises and hurts even before while collecting woods or playing with animals. It didn't bother her much nor did it pain a lot. Yet at present, her hand was swollen. The wound was uglier than last night.

She went to a nearby hospital in an auto-rickshaw. It was specially booked by Nirmala even though Naina insisted to walk. Don't take it to be Nirmala's kindness, it was to prevent her daughter in law from meeting others. She was a strict follower of traditions hence the women of Roy mansion were not allowed to roam freely.

The doctor examined and was shocked by the wound. It wasn't any ordinary hurt given by a cat. It was a serious one that would take a long time to heal. Even when the doctor questioned, Naina answered truthfully that it was a cat. The doctor had to give in to Naina's Statement and prescribe the medicines.

On her way back home, she felt a strange presence. There was nobody besides her and the driver yet she felt someone. When she reached her house, she quickly walked inside in the hope to get some rest.

Barely had she locked the front door when the doorbell rang. She gasped at the sudden sound, nevertheless opened the door.

" What happened, brother?" She asked politely.

"Ma'am, you had left your purse in the auto," he said before extending his hands that carried the brown leather purse.

Naina took it before saying "Thank you"

Even after giving the purse, the driver didn't leave. Sensing there was more to it, Naina questioned him.

"Ma'am I don't know if it is right for me to say but you shouldn't let the pregnant lady come out of the house. It's not good for her health neither the baby's health"

"Which pregnant lady?" Naina asked being confused.

"The one that came with you to the hospital, who sat beside you and walked into the house with you"


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