Chapter Seventeen

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I heard the bathroom door knob start shaking and until it I heard it unlock. I shoved my phone in my pocket and started washing the blood off of my arms. The door opened and I saw C.J standing in the door way.

"Why are you not done yet?" He asked yelling at me.

"I don't know. Why the fuck did you launch me head first going down a hill on my skateboard and then throw me out of a car and then punch me in the fucking face? All for what?"

"Just hurry the fuck up now."

"I can't control how much this shits gonna fucking bleed. You're the one who did it. If it's so easy why don't you fucking clean it off?"

"Oh so now we're gonna get attitude. Bitch get over here." Right as C.J said that I heard car doors slam. He didn't seem to notice. He grabbed me and pulled me out of the bathroom back into the kitchen. Water droplets full of blood sprinkled all over the kitchen floor. I had given up. Right now I was done. Somebody is going to walk through that door that is going to hurt me even more. I hope they kill me. I'm done.

The front door opened and I saw Nate Jacobs sprinting in. He threw C.J off of me and into the kitchen island. Fez and Ashtray followed closely behind and Fez grabbed Walker. Julius came running up behind them and then Tanner and Timmy followed behind Julius. I looked over as Nate was beating the every living shit out of C.J and Fez was wailing on Walker. Tanner and Timmy had the two boys sitting at the table pinned up against the wall and Ashtray walked over to the Caleb kid. Ashtray pulled his phone out of his pocket and took me and Caleb outside. He called the police and hung up the phone.

"Wait how did you know he wasn't part of this?" I asked Ash.

"Because as soon as he realized it was you they were after, he texted Nate."

"I texted Nate as Walker was dragging you to the car." Caleb replied. The police showed up within minuets with an ambulance. A police officer and paramedic came over to me and helped me to the gurney. They laid me down on it and strapped me into it. Nate came running out the door as they were picking it up to roll me into the ambulance.

"Hey is it cool if I come with her?" Nate asked one of the paramedics. The paramedic looked over at me.

"Is that okay Katie?" He asked.

"Yeah, he can come with me." I replied. They loaded me in and Nate jumped in behind me. He grabbed me hand and looked me in the eyes. The ambulance took off and sped to the hospital.

"She's loosing a lot of blood. She's probably going to need a transfusion when we get there." The paramedic told Nate. I looked up and saw Nate's face start to go blurry.

"She's a fighter." Nate replied back. I felt my eyes grow heavy until I couldn't keep them open anymore. Everything went black.

Katie ended up waking up in a hospital bed 12 hours later. She was completely confused as to where she was.

I heard beeping in the background of where I was and I tried to roll over. I felt something go deeper into my right arm. I winced in pain and opened my eyes. I looked over and saw my mom in a recliner asleep and my dad on an air mattress asleep.

"Mom." I said. She didn't hear me.

"MOM." I yelled. I watched her eyes fling open and she jumped up and ran over to me. I heard my dad jump up and he ran to the door.

"NURSE. NURSE. SHE'S AWAKE." My dad yelled. Three nurses came running in.

"How are you Katie?" One asked.

"Well I guess I'm alive. So, I'm doing okay." I replied back. My mom smiled through the tears in her eyes. She checked my vitals on the screen and everything was fine.

"She can now accept visitors that aren't immediate family." The nurse said to my mom.

"She looked down at me and started rubbing her thumb across my forehead.

"Who do you want to see first?" My mom asked.

"How many people are here?" I asked back.

"Your brothers and sister, Tanner, Timmy, Fezco, Fezco's brother, Julius, Nate, and the Caleb kid who is the only reason you aren't in a coma right now." My mom replied.

"Let's start from the top of the list." I replied. My siblings came in and we're all surprisingly happy to see me. Then Tanner and Timmy came in. I saw Tanner and Timmy both had their left arms wrapped in gauze and bandage.

"Did they get you guys with something too?" I asked.

"No, we saved your life." Tanner said.

"What?" I asked.

"You needed a blood donor, and me and Timmy just happen to have the same blood type as you." Tanner said smiling. They both came over and hugged me.

"Katie I'm so sorry, for everything I put you through." I heard Tanners muffled voice say.

"I am too." Timmy said. I sat and talked to them and then Fez and Ash came in. Then Julius came in. Then Nate came in.

"Well I'll be damned. I figured you wouldn't wake up till later. We were all just getting ready to go get some food and bring it back for everybody." Nate said smiling.

"Thanks for riding with me in the ambulance." I said to Nate.

"I couldn't have you ride in there by yourself after what had already happened to you." He replied back.

"Who told my parents?" I asked.

"I called when we were on our way to get you and told them to meet us here. I knew you were a fighter and would be okay no matter what. So after a six hour surgery and some stitches, he we are and everything can just be back to normal." He said back.

After that accident, I don't believe that Katie ever turned back to normal. It always seemed like there was something off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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