Chapter Five

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Katie knew what she was going to do. She was going to leave her house. Where she was going to stay, she didn't know yet, but she would figure it out. She woke up the Thursday morning knowing what she was going to do. Not go to school and try to find a place to stay until it would all roll over with her mom. She got up and got ready and packed a suitcase and her backpack full of stuff she felt she would need.

I rolled my suitcase down the stairs to see it was 9 o'clock and my parents weren't at work and none of my siblings were at school.

"We knew you were going to pick this. We wish the best of luck Katie." My mom said getting up smiling. She came over to hug me and I pulled away from her.

"Are you seriously this okay with me leaving and living on the streets bouncing from house to house?"

"It's your decision, not ours. Your old enough to make your own." After some sad goodbyes I hugged my dad and my siblings, but not my mom. I left. I walked out of the door.

It was pouring ass rain that day. She got on her skateboard knowing it would fuck her grip tape up and started skating towards Julius's house.

"Hopefully Julius's mom is home, so I can explain all of this to her." I thought to myself. I saw the lights from the corner store and decided I would stop in. And get something to drink.

Little did Katie know, this would be the best idea she ever had. Poor Katie with mascara running all over her face.

I walked back towards the Dr. Pepper and grabbed one and took it up to the counter. It was the same kid working from the other day.

"What the fuck happened to you?" The kid asked.

"It's a long story." I replied back.

"I got time."

"Bro, I don't even know your name."

"My names Fezco. You can call me Fez. I know your Katie. You may not remember me, but I remember you from home room." Fez went and got me a tall chair to sit on and set it in front of the counter and he set up on the counter.

Fez has a soft spot for her. He knew from the moment she walked into home room and sat down that she had been broken, and was mentally not fine. He also knew that she had been getting drugs from directly from the person that did drop offs at his house. One day she sat down next to him. One day she decided to skip school and get high. Andrew Bell got in trouble and the teacher wasn't paying attention and move him to her seat.

She ended up sitting by Fez. She got a text from someone and he looked down at her screen. The name "mouse" was above the text. He didn't read the text, but he did know somebody named mouse.

"So basically yesterday, I'm assuming it was Tanner who made the call because he's petty and we got into that argument here. He knew I was going to go to my friend Julius's house and split the weed with him. He called the cops and reported something. Next thing I know every cop in town is there and was searching the house. We got strip searched right next to each other. They didn't find anything. They had to call my parents since I'm a minor and the next thing I know I'm at home failing a drug test. My mom gave me two options  option 1: going and living with my grandma for a few months so they could lie to the entire town and say I was away at some college prep camp. Or option 2: they take me to school and they take me home everyday. If I want friends over, one of my parents has to be there to supervise and we have to hang out in the living room. They also don't want me hanging out with my friends and want me to make new ones. They have to meet them and their parents before I can even hang out with them."

"So what did you pick."

"Option three."

"I thought you said there was only two options?"

"There was."

"So what's option three?"

"I refuse to do option one and option two, so I get kicked out until I can piss clean. Knowing my mom, I'll have to piss clean for like 6 months straight before I'm trusted to do anything anymore."

"So where are you gonna stay?"

"I don't know. I was on my way to Julius's house to see if his mom was there, so I could talk to her. She's a nurse, so she works like 20 hour shifts. Her says she's off switched up, so one week she'll have Monday's, Wednesday, Fridays, and Saturday's off. Then the next week she'll have Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday's, and Sunday's off. Julius's won't last long though, it depends on what dumbass boyfriend she has each week though. Some of them get pissed at Julius and want Julius gone. So, that's could happen, she could kick Julius out. She wouldn't kick me out, but I'm not going to stay at Julius's without Julius."

"So that's your plan?"

"No. If we get kicked out there, then we'll go to Kenzie's. After Kenzie's mom gets tired of us for a couple days then we'll sneak through the window at my house and sleep in my room at night. Only downfall is we'll have to get up at like four every morning and we can't leave my room or go to the bathroom unless my little brother Trey is home and then he'll bring us food and water and cover for us,  but he's rarely home anymore. And then we'll go back to Julius's and start the cycle again."

"Okay, I respect the plan, but it still doesn't sound very good. Not having a steady place to live and shit."

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Yeah I do."


"Listen, the only people that be living at my house is me and my little brother Ash. My grandmas there too, but she won't bother anything. I'm willing to open my house up to you as a permanent spot until you can go home, there's a few things though."

"I will do anything. Except have sex for money. I won't prostitute myself." Fez started laughing.

"Come on, let me get you back to my house and then I'll explain everything. Don't worry, it doesn't involve prostitution."

Molly {Fezco}Where stories live. Discover now