~After Inversion~

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•holds you tighter at night
•Always needs to see you or he will get worried
•has nightmares a lot so he usually just stays up
•he can only sleep if you are next to him
•Always checks up on you no matter the time of day
• "have you ate today Freelancer" "no? Well let me make you something" "no please Freelancer let me do this for you please.."

•pushes himself further than he did before
•will accidentally lash out on you without meaning to
•"will you stop asking if I'm okay GOD"
*pause* "wait baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to"
•will always hold you after lashing out (took him awhile he used to leave you alone)
•cries when he thinks he is alone
•at Xaviers funeral he held you close to him
•Does not like you being out of his sight due to you both getting separated

•took you home with him cause he doesn't want you away from him
•always has a arm around you
•he cries into you at night
•when you cry at night he holds you and whispers sweet things in your ear
•he just lays in bed and does not sleep
•at Xaviers funeral he gave a speech in his honor
•after the funeral he just stayed in your arms and cried
• "I miss him so much, I just want my buddy back.."

•Doesn't really talk much (unless you ask if he is okay)
•Doesn't really eat much
•focus' on work and nothing else
•Doesn't know what do to comfort you
• "h-huh sorry what did you say, I-I was working on t-this thing for work" "no I-I'm not ignoring you l-love" "a-are you crying" "o-oh baby come h-here it's going to b-be ok"
•has nightmares about losing you and when he wakes up he just cuddles into you and cries silently
• "b-baby are you a-awake" "c-can you h-hold me please"

•Always need you in sight
•you knew Xavier very well so when you found out he had passed Vincent just watched after you more
•constantly making sure you're sleeping and getting eating
•you have nightmares so he will stay up just in case
•was very patient with your transition into a vampire and helped you the whole way
• "another nightmare lovely?" "No it's ok come here I got you"

•Constantly looking into what happened
•gets kinda distant for awhile till you say something
•loves being in your arms
•doesn't really sleep but makes sure your in his sight causes he is worried a shade will come after you
•a lot more quiet and uptight
•locked himself in his house for days after and didn't talk to anyone
• "who's there!?" "Darlin is that you hold one let me clean up" *after he opens up and hugs you* "fuck how I have missed you"

•way to hard on himself
•worried constantly about the pack and you
•barley eats but you makes sure he at least gets one meal
•paranoid like all hell
•has nightmares so he didn't hold you for awhile cause he was afraid of hurting you
• "angel why are you cuddling up to me?" "Well I can't really hold you right now I need to sleep I have pack matters to attend to" "no don't do that I said I can't hold you!!!" "Because I'm afraid of hurting you!!!...I can't hurt you angel"

•hides his sadness by humor
•cries when he thinks you can't hear
•spends as much time with you as possible
•doesn't eat or sleep much anymore
•constantly tries to prove "his worth"
•his nightmares are pretty bad so when he does sleep he will wake up screaming
•never quiet
•worries about everyone in the pack especially David
•doesn't shift as much anymore cause it hurts him
• "nah I'll just run to his house it's only a little while away and plus exorcise" "no I'm not going running with the pack tonight maybe another night babe"

•had really bad stomach pains for awhile
•wouldn't eat much cause he would throw it up
• "sweetheart?" "Yeah I threw up again.."
•constantly checks up on David and Asher cause they are all so close
•checks up on everyone just not as much
•makes food for everyone and takes it to their house
•tries to figure out what happened
•constantly asks you if you know anything from work
• "did they say anything new??!" "No?...oh it's fine I'll figure it out one way or another"

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