2- afterwards

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"MAN IT FEELS GREAT TODAY!!" Naruto said as he approached his teammates who stood in an open feel where the sun sunk into the grass

The two glared at him and Sakura was more scolding that the quiet Uchiha, with her crossed arms and deep frown

"Naruto you were supposed to be here an Hour ago!" She said stressing her aggravation in the word 'hour'

"Neh? But Sakura I had to get my fill of ramen this morning, you should never go into a mission hungry" he said, a complete contrast to his thoughts
It was like comparing purple to yellow
Or an Orange to a banana
' I was lost in thought, can't go into a mission distracted' his mind said

"Ugh! I can't believe you, Naruto you pig!!" She shouted while throwing a punch to his head

"HEY, KAKASHI SENSEI ISN'T HERE EITHER!!" He shouted in hopes of defending himself

"You idiot, he probably has a hang over" Sasuke spoke up and Sakura nodded in agreement with him

"I'll say" Naruto mumbled under his breath remembering the events of last night

"What was that" Sakura asked raising a brow
"It was nothing Sakura, let's just wait for Sensei, hey while we're at it, you wanna ditch the idiot and hang with meeee~~" Naruto said while jabbing a thumb twords Sasuke implying who the 'idiot' was

"NO!!" Sakura yelled and crossed her arms

"Aww man!" Naruto whined, but he knew himself that it was fake
Honestly he could care less if Sakura liked Sasuke, besides he didn't have confidence that he was in the same league as Sasuke, and Sakura's standards where a little above the bar for him ... Of course that doesn't mean his emotions stay in his league... Not when he's fallen for someone that's more of a long stretch than the person his age.

Speaking of the devil
As soon as things had quieted down Kakashi walked up with a bag under his eye and he was clearly not smiling behind his mask as he practically forced his feet to scrape their way twords them

"Jesus Kakashi Sensei you look like you were hit by a building!!" Sakura yelled and Kakashi glared at her
"Good morning to you too Sakura" he grumbled
"You probably shouldn't even be outside" Sasuke said with an eye roll

"What, and miss this sunshine, never" Kakashi said almost innocently as if he didn't just get offended by Sakura

"Ha, yeah right, must be a heck of a headache with all this light!" Naruto yelled and pointed an accusing finger

"How'd you know I would have that bad of a hangover?" Kakashi said in a little bit of surprise

"I was the one who took you home last night" Naruto said normally

"Really... Did I do anything unusual?" He asked
When Naruto heard that he tried not to flinch at the pain of Kakashi forgetting, he tried not to remember and for now he had to push that memory down, just for now

"So... You really don't remember anything do ya?" Naruto asked

"Well I remember tripping on a rock...hopping on a table... Passing out on top of you, sorry about that by the way" Kakashi said grabbing his forehead and hoping he didn't do anything reckless or stupid and looked at Naruto for confirmation

"Well, nothing else really happened" Naruto said and Kakashi narrowed his eye as he saw Naruto try to avert his eyes from Kakashi

'that's a nice piece of grass... Nice and um... Green you know' he thought to himself

"Naruto" Kakashi said more seriously and Naruto sighed
'quick... A lie... What do I tell him!!' he panicked in his thoughts

"W-well Kakashi sensei... You kinda asked a nice towns lady to uh... Flash you" Naruto said quickly, it was a lie indeed but one that would make up for his hesitance to say it

All Kakashi did was raise a brow

"What!! Kakashi Sensei I wouldn't expect that from a drunk you of all people!!!" Sakura scolded and Sasuke rolled his eyes as usual

But Kakashi just eyed Naruto in suspicion knowing damn well, really, really, damn well
That he was too gay for that.

But for now he let it slide, the truth would be out anyways

"Well I guess I have some poor woman to apologize to" kakashi fake sighed and dropped his guard making Naruto drop his shoulders in relaxation

"Well, we might as well head out on our mission, it's going to a long walk" Kakashi said and Sakura spoke up in surprise
"Yes, there's no way even I could run like this" Kakashi said as they made their way to the gates

And as they made their way to the gates Naruto celebrated in his head lightly

' thank kami, nothing makes me more ass clenchingly terrified than the thought of getting caught liing, because I suck at it'


Hope you enjoyed~

~to be continued~

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