1- drunk

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Here it is
Please don't hate
And Naruto is 18 for convenience of age appropriation~


"Oh brother, he's drunk"Sakura said as she looked at her sensei and sighed despite being amused at his out going attitude

He bounced around and laughed like a fool with a bottle of sake in hand and at one point almost spiled it all over the three of team 7

"I'm not dealing with this anymore, you take him home idiot" Sasuke said turning to Naruto who had just finished his 5 bowl of ramen.

"What! Why me!? I don't wanna deal with Mr Skippy over there" he said jabbing a thumb in his sensei's direction as he jumped on top of a table laughing.

"Naruto, he's disturbing all the people, besides you're the only one who knows where his house is" Sakura reasoned with him

"Ah mannn" Naruto whined seeing her point

"Come on Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto said putting money on the table to pay for his and his sensei's bill with one hand and waving his drunk sensei over with the other

"Oh Naruto!~" Kakashi giggled out and skipped over when he heard Naruto
"I'm so happy that you called for me" he said in his drunken haze

"Yeah yeah let's go " Naruto grumbled, to be honest he didn't mind looking after his sensei, in fact he nearly volunteered to take him back home, he just wished he didn't feel the way he did about his sensei.

On the way out the door Kakashi was following Naruto like a puppy before he suddenly lost his footing right outside
Naruto had caught him and wrapped one of his sensei's arms around his shoulder
"Careful!" Naruto practically scolded

"Well how could I be, you're making me fall for- oops my bad" he said as he slipped on a rock making Naruto stop them from tripping

"Didn't I just say to be careful" Naruto grumbled under his breath


The walk wasn't long but it felt like forever as he helped a stumbling Kakashi walk.

"I need your house keys" Naruto said and held out his hands

"Wow you move fast, already wanting to live with me" Kakashi said confusing Naruto more than the logic of a woman did.
"What?, You know what, nevermind, just hand over he keys Kakashi Sensei" he sighed and Kakashi fished through his pocket before lazily handing it to him while still leaning his weight on to Naruto
"Here" he said and rested his eyes as Naruto unlocked and opened the door to bring them inside

"Where's your room?" He asked as he looked around to see a simple kitchen/livingroom and two doors.

"That... 1,2,3,4, um, that 4th door" he mumbled tiredly pointing somewhere completely far away to the left
"So the left door I assume" Naruto mumbled to himself before he went to the door

He was prepared to walk Kakashi over to his bed and set him down but Kakashi stopped them in the doorway surprisingly having enough strength to push Naruto up against the wall

"Kakashi Sensei!?" Naruto said in confusion as Kakashi held Naruto to the wall by his shoulders and looked at him eyes to eye.

"K-kakashi?" Naruto said gently as he looked at his sensei's line of sight, seeing that he was looking eagerly at Naruto's lips

"Naruto" Kakashi said quietly and slowly leaned in.

All Naruto could do was watch as the white haired man drew closer and closer by the second while he held a bright crimson blush on his face

He stared at Kakashis one exposed eye noticing the lust that lurked behind the adoration.

Kakashi then lightly placed his masked lips on Naruto's
It was so gentle you almost wouldn't believe their lips where touching but after a second of lingering it was more noticeable
Almost as soon as his lips where there they were gone, just like that.

There was a dead silence as they both looked at each other and Naruto couldn't speak a word too shocked to even blink

But then at that moment Kakashi closed his eye for a second.

"KAKASHI SENSEI!" Naruto screamed in worry as the older man collapsed in the blondes arms

With soft snores to confirm him being asleep, Naruto sighed in relif and carried him over to his bed and gently set him down under the covers making sure to take off his sensei's sandals and green vest.

"Naruto" he lowly whispered and Naruto's movements halted as he looked at his sensei only to see him still sound asleep.

Naruto sighed in disappointment that his sensei wasn't really calling for him before standing up and preparing to leave
As soon as he was about to leave within reach of the bed, he felt Kakashi quickly wrap his two fingers around Naruto's pinky and ring finger making the younger stop and look back

"Please... Even if you don't... Tell me you love me" Kakashi said and Naruto's eyes widened in surprise

"But Kakashi-"
"Please Naruto" Kakashi begged as he tightened his two fingers ever so slightly
Naruto nodded in the dim room only lit by the moonlight through the window.
He slowly turned around and leaned down closely
"Fine" he huffed and with all sincerity he had he said it "I ....Ilove you, Kakashi"
A smirk could faintly be noticed behind the drowsy man's mask and Naruto laughed
"Man you really need to sleep more don't you Kakashi Sensei" Naruto said and before he stood up he slowly but hesitantly placed a light kiss on Kakashis cheek
"Goodnight" he whispered as Kakashi slowly went to sleep and let go of Naruto's hand the moment his eyes closed.

"I do love you though... But your just drunk... You don't really feel that way" Naruto said as he walked away finally able to leave.
But before he did he got a cup of water and a pain killer for his sensei for when he wakes up.

"It's gonna be a heck of a mission for you tomorrow" He whispered and left.
All he could do was tell himself
It was just a kiss
It was just a kiss
He's drunk and doesn't know

It will be forgotten.

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