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Jack wakes up the next morning to his blaring alarm, he snoozes it and it goes off again 10 minutes later, then again 10 minutes later until he totally gives up and just starts listening to the sound. He falls back asleep, letting the tone blare through the room as his mind incorporates it into his dream.

Alex wakes up at Jack's alarm and can't help but smirk a little at the fact that he's still out.He gets up and turns the alarm off, goes into the little kitchen and makes them both coffee, hoping they can keep being at least nice to each other.He sets Jack's down on his side table and gently nudges him, 

"Jack? Wake up...I don't know if you've got classes but if you do, you don't want to be late." He nudges him again, "I made you coffee"

Jack jumps as Alex nudges him and turns on his side, finally turning the sound off. "HUH?" He rubs his eyes. "I was literally having a dream I was at a silent disco and all I could hear in my headphones was that stupid song!" He sits up, shuttering as he takes his blankets off. "You made me coffee?" He says, just now catching that part as the smell of coffee beans travels over to him. "Thanks." He smiles and pours himself a travel cup of it. "I'm going go be so late." He looks at the clock. "Or I could just not go and go back to beeddd."

Alex can't help but laugh a little at Jack's explanation of his dream and his little mini freak out. "Yeah, you could go back to bed if you wanted to, but is it worth skipping class for?" He asks, going back into the little kitchen, making himself and Jack a little bowl of instant oatmeal. He brings it to him, "either way, eat something first. We didn't eat anything last night. At least I didn't, I don't know about you."He sits down on his bed, "I don't have any classes til 2, but I got enough sleep."

Jack takes the oatmeal and shakes his head. "No, I didn't. Hold up!" He hops up and digs through his snack cabinet adding maple syrup, raisins and nuts to his oatmeal. "Want any?" He looks at the clock and shrugs. "Class starts in 10 minutes by the time I get all the way to Hawkins? Nah, walking in late is awkward I'm good." He hops back up on his bed and eats his oatmeal.

Alex nods, a smile on his face as he takes some of the syrup but none of the raisins or nuts. He'd have to count them and he absolutely doesn't want to look like an OCD psycho in front of Jack when it's really not that bad, not like it was a few years ago. "I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to walk that far either. I mean, by the time you got there the class would be like halfway done. Well. Probably not halfway, but late enough." He shrugs, taking a bite of his oatmeal. "So, since we're both no longer busy, wanna finish watching the movie? You kinda crashed." He smirks.

Jack rolls his eyes and smiles. "Yeah, I know I did. Let's finish it!" He turns it back on and rewinds it to the last point he can remember. "I think we were here?" He looks at Alex and shrugs. "You we're probably farther than me." He nibbles on his breakfast and sips his coffee as he turns his attention back to the screen.

Alex sits down next to Jack again, "yeah that looks about right." He smiles, settling back, working on his breakfast.He can't help but laugh at the sheer hilarious stupidity of this movie that makes it so wonderful, "honestly, top notch cast." He comments during a part where no one is talking, so that he's not interrupting the movie.

Jack nods. "Hell yeah it is! sacha baron cohen is one of my favorite people." He looks at Alex and gives him his best impression of his french accent saying: ricky bobby. "Best actor for the best character." He scoops up the rest of his food before reaching over Alex to put it down on the nightstand.

Alex laughs at Jack's impression, pulling his own of Ricky Bobby's promotional commercials, "if you don't chew big red, you're a pussy. Big red, the official sponsor for nascar." He finishes his food and sets his bowl on top of Jack's, hating that he's not immediately taking them to the kitchen to wash them, but again, he's not about to ruin a good day.

Trouble Is... // JalexWhere stories live. Discover now