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I walk around and open the car door for her. She steps out thanking me.

"Sorry it's just McDonald's but I have a very low salary." She shakes her head and her dark brown curls fall into her face.

"It's okay, I like the mcflurry." She says as she starts to walk towards the fastfood restaurant. I run ahead of her and open the door.

"What do you want me to order for you?" I ask her as we walk in. She looks at the menu and I find myself caught in her green eyes.

"Just a hamburger." She says after a minute. I nod and walk up to the worker. She's a teenager who would probably be somewhere else, her name tag reads Abigail.

"Hey and welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you?" She ask standing up off of the stool.

"Two cheeseburgers, a coke and a mcflurry." She nods as she writes it down.

"Okay that'll be 9.18." I pull out a twenty after collecting our food I head over to Jenna. She staring out of the window when I walk up.

"What are you looking at?" I ask setting the tray down. She jumps like I surprised her.

"Oh nothing just the night, it's beautiful." She says turning her gaze back to the window. The outside light flickers off of her eyes and again I find myself watching them.

"Sure it's pretty but it ain't the prettiest thing here." I say passing her the mcflurry. She smiles, her smile is soft and warm at the same time.

"You didn't have to get me a mcflurry you know." She takes a bit and I smile.
I reach across the table and grab her hand, sending sparks up my own.

"I wanted to coffee cup." She rolls her eyes.

"Is that really the best nickname you could come up with?" She ask. I smile.
I haven't smiled this much in years.

"Yep." She smiles. And I smile back.
She was what I had been missing all these years. Here she was right in front of me. And she was perfect.

After the date I drive her to her house.
Wich is a old two story apartment complex. I get out and walk around to open her door.

"Here I'll walk you up." I offer my hand but, she doesn't take it.

"That's okay I'll walk myself up." She walks up by herself and I watch her.
She turns around and smiles. I smile back before turning and driving away.

I smile as I think about her she was it.
I had found her.


Happy Valentine's day! I'll be spending it alone but have fun if you have someone!

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