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I watch her as she walks away. She was different, And beautiful.
Where had she been hiding all these years. I decided I had to get her name.  Not now but one day I would get her name.

I walk in the winter air and let my mind whirl. Not thinking about anything but everything at the same time. I stop in front of the apartment.
Now was the time

I let my hand fall on the door and wait. She opens the door in a bath robe. I hear a man call her name behind her.

"Who is it? Hurry." He calls. I raise an eyebrow.

"You've moved on before I can even end it I see." She rolls her eyes.

"don't act like you weren't expecting it. After what you said that you knew about me and Dan." Anger flashes through me. But I wouldn't let her have her way.

"Stella I'm done with your cheating and stealing, I'm going to leave now and don't you dare ever come after me again, or so help me." I turn and walk back to my house.

Every girl I ever knew just had to go for my brother. Well he had to go for her I should say. Ever since we were young he had to be bigger and better and when I had my business going he blackmailed me and I lost everything.
My wife left with my little girl. I lost everything because of him.

I open my door and head to my bed barely taking the time to grab a bottle out of the fridge take off my shoes and down the bottle. I get another and another until I forget everything and fall asleep.

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