Chapter 2: Confusion

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* "What is wrong with you!??"
- "I-I-I I didn't know!"
* "You didn't know I wanted to be with Joe!? You've known how long I've liked him aand-and you just suddenly forget, I can't believe how low you are!"
- "I'm sorry Verona , I wasn't in my right mind."
* "Ohhh really now?? So since when does Sprite make you drunk? And really that apology is soooooo lame."
- " I really mean it Verona, I really do and I promise I won't happen again, I pinky promise."
* " I don't know Jesyca, I don't know if I'll be able to trust you again..." And walks away.

" THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Karma and Grace , you girls are OUTSTANDINGLY POSITIVELY MARVELOUS actresses!!!!" Mrs Grey shouts at us with admiration.
Grace and I hug each other and give soo much love to each other. The whole drama class applauses us and fills the room with shouts and whistles , especially the boys.
"We did each other proud girlfriend!" Grace says to me.
"Totally , we're gonna be in Hollywood !" I tell her and we giggle at that statement, don't get me wrong we ARE going to be famous,
Hollywood better watch out!! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe
**** later on****
I go to my locker and see Salz and Jake together, they walk towards me with huge grins, I . Don't. Like. This. One. Bit. At all.
"Hey Kar, what's cooking good looking?" Salz tells me with a wink. I giggle at her and she joins and eventually Jake joins too.
" So Karma, Sally Wally and I were thinking if you would come to a party this Friday , at my place, round about 10 o'clock sleepover after  it ends or when you're full of it." Jakes tells me.
" ehhhhh I don't know I'll think about it you know, maybe , maybe not." I tell them
"Awww please Kar, come it will help you relax and feel ease and stress free and plus... there'll be boys" Sal adds in.
"Mhm fine! Only if you guys stop kissing while I'm around , by myself, I feel like such a hardcore third wheeler." I order them both
" well we can change that you know..." Jake playing smirks at me. "No man that's gross" Sal laughs and smacks Jake.

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