Chapter 1:The beginning?? wow

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My name is Karma Smythe and I'm fifteen years old turning sixteen soon, sweet! Yes I know you're wondering wow! what a name Karma well my dad Jason and my mum Sandra named me that because I was a good kind of karma to her, after I was born almost unable to make it in a fatal car accident, when she was exactly nine months pregnant with me and was in labour, my dad drove as fast as he could when he suddenly made a quick turn to the hospital,my mum hit her head
against the back seat and went unconscious, She was in a coma so they had to do a cesarean section .......then finally I poped out healthy as a horse after trying to get a breathe of air and cried a really really long time my dad couldn't stop carrying me and kissing me, dad says I have his mother's grey-emerald green and golden flecked eyes and Jess has Mum's blue and golden flecked eyes Dad calls us speckled egg eyes, but we both have dads tanned skin and chestnut brown hair, Mum was in a coma and finally awoke two weeks later and saw her beautiful daughter and decided to name her Karma. Well that is that, let me tell you about my friends Sally,Grace and Luke, my three best friends in the world they are wonderful people until you get to know them after a few hours it a lifetime  of dirty jokes and pick up lines *chuckles* . Then finally my sister Jessica some stubborn donkey, well thats what dad calls her, she can be nice she can be a slut,bitchy(most probably shark week is shark 365 days a year),moody and the best, but after all she is my sister and I love her and she loves me. Life in America, California on West Side Road is pretty lovely and yet exciting because we are also getting new teachers :young ones and it's senior year for Jessica. Interesting. V  v interesting...


It was a Tuesday morning, back to school after our five week holiday and woah are things hectic.."Hurry up moron we're going to be late!" Jessica shouts from downstairs "I'm almost done just wait five minutes and I'm down, be patient..jeez" I respond. I hear her getting ready to leave me ''arghhhh better hurry up'' I Say under my breath I run down a quick as I could down the stairs and she was gone, loooooong gone.Shit. I decide to walk, well that is the only option I have,so I start it only takes ten minutes on foot to get to Westside. I start to pick up my pace as time is really starting to fly, then jog for a while and finally I have no choice to sprint. The bell went as I just landed right on time.phew. I see Jessica in the distance making out with her lover boy Jake Miller the head of the quarterback ,as they do their tongue exercise she gives me a death stare ouch like whatever did I do to you but wipe , I clearly ignore her and bump into Sally as I turned around so quickly. "Hey didn't see you there Sal" I say quick with a hug "Heya OMG I had thee best holiday ever, tell you later bye."she replies with simple kiss on my cheek and a hug. I wave"good bye see ya later"as I head off to my first class, Math. thinking what's happened in Sal's holiday??hmm better not over think as usual. I go to my locker and grab my books I need for the day, as I lock my locker I feel someone happy slap the back of my knee... Ouch!...It's Luke that son Of a gun. I turn and give him a big hug so happy to see him, he does the same to me we have a small chat and head in opposite directions.

I enter the Math classroom and *surprise surprise* Grace is in the same Math class "yay" I say silently to myself. She approaches me with a comforting warm teddy bear hug and says "Hey long time no see but wipe."I smile as she releases me from her warm hug."I know, you uncultured swine , Sal said she had something important to tell us." Grace looked at me confusedly. And class stared.
Math was finally over and it was time for Pyshical Training. 'Yay' I say sarcastically. So we get changed and head for the field, we're doing hockey.My absolute favourite. Couch Justin splits us into two teams Girls vs Guys the game begins. I tackle one of the guys really hard and accidentally sprain his wrist.Oops! I apologise immediately and he walk off to get ice for his hand. The bell goes and Physical Training is over, as I walk I see Sal talking to Jacob Anderton. What?  Why is Sally Smock talking to him? The also so called bad boy and fuck boy and player of our school..well I must say he has done some pretty bad shit these past 3 years. But why in the hell she with that jerk??
Next few seconds they are making out? What the frick!!
She is against the wall and he is pressing his body againat her. This is seriously not happening. I notice she takes a quick glance at me at goes back to her business. She doesn't consider my presence. ?

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