chapter 2

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Just to let you know I am writing this on my phone so there might be a few spelling errors
Any comments would be appreciated thanks!!
Eliza ;-)

btw this is similar to what she would be wearing

The shire may be small, but it is like a labyrinth. But after about 30minuites of searching through the maze of hobbit holes i found Bag End. It was smaller than i expected it to be, tucked away in a little crevice. 

My heart was pounding at 100mph as i walked up to the door, with my hands shaking ...i knocked, the suspense was killing me. I stood for a while at the door, when it became evident that no one was coming I knocked again, only for the door to swing open on its hinges, creaking as it went. I stepped in to the hall, closing the door behind me....

As I walked further into the home the sound of singing came to my ears, it was an old song that we used to sing in erebor before ....

I looked around the doorway to see a group of dwarves, a flustered hobbit and and a cheerful wizard.

Once the song had finished,  one of the dwarves looked up, Balin looked older than before and more world weary, the shock on his face only emphasised how old he had grown in my years spent away from the company "ARIA????"

"oh shit..."


I know ... short chappie (very short) but i dont have much time, as i have exams coming up, but i will update soon... sorry for the long wait :-/

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