Chapter 43: Don't You Dare!

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We roll up, to see Tony and Morgan outside, playing in the castle Y/N and I had built for her. Tony looked at us with an unreadable expression, and Morgan came bounding towards us. Wanda scooped her up, and spun her in circles, while I walked towards Tony.

"Pepper didn't tell me you'd be by to collect her today, but judging by the bike I have realized you're not here for that."

"Astute observation... Look, Tony, we think we found a way..."


"No! Listen..."

I explained to him the basics of what Scott had told us, while Wanda's playing with Morgan in the distance.

"I just want to thank you two for
dropping by. It's not every day one gets to contemplate biting it on an inter-dimensional timescape."

"Don't just write off the plan already..."

"So you're calling it a plan. To me, it sounds like it's rather deadly, and more so impossible."

"Tony, after what you've seen, is anything really impossible? We literally fought aliens, have interacted with wizards, and watched as practically everyone we loved turned to dust."

"Quantum fluctuation kinda messes with the Planck Scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition, can we agree on that?..."

I just glare at him, waiting for him to get off his 'I'm really smart' high horse, and actually make sense.

"In layman's terms, it means you can cancel your subscription to life because you're not coming home."

"Scott did." I correct the arrogant asshat.

"Which was a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. Now you want to pull a- What are you calling it?"

"He called it a time heist"

"Oh, of course, a time heist, why didn't we think of this before? Right, because it's a pipe dream. Who even is he again?"

"The Antman, we'd met him years back, he's related by girlfriend to the Pym family."

"Well, whoever he is, he's gotten your hopes up, and now I'm being made out to be the bad guy who has to make them fall."

"Tony, the Stones exist in the past. We could get them and bring them here. We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back." I say, practically in a shout.

"Or screw it up worse than he already has."

"I doubt that we would."

"Sadly, all your high hopes won't help me if there's no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said "time heist." I believe the most likely outcome would be our collective demise."

"Tony, that's honestly bullshit, if there's anyone who can do this, it's us."

"I have too much to lose, Natasha! Morgan can't lose anymore people!"

"Bullshit! No one's asking you to lose a damn thing, just to bring back all that we've lost. Morgan asks me all the time when 'Auntie
Y/N/N' is coming back, but all we can give her are stories. Those will run out one day Tony! She deserves to know her aunt, and Y/N deserves not to miss another moment of her life! We have to take a stand." I all but shout at the man before me.

"We did stand, and look at where we are now..."

"I get that you've got a lot on the line, here. You've got a wife, and a daughter; you also have a sister, one who thinks the world of you. The same one that forgave you for what most would deem unforgivable. Now we have a chance to save her, and everyone else for that matter, and you won't even-"

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