Chapter 3: The Dirty Truth

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As Barnes leads me to my room he's quietly studying me.

"You can ask me anything, I don't bite." I blurt out.

He remains silent, then as we walk into my room he brokenly asks
"Do you remember me?"

"I do."
He instantly cringed at the thought of that night.

"I'm sorry..."

"I know." I reply a little too bluntly
I shouldn't have to, but I can't help but to feel bad for him.

"Look.." I say gripping his shoulders "I forgive you."

He looked up completely shocked.
"Y-you shouldn't!" He whispers shouts while looking down

"Why are you hiding your identity?!" He immediately tries to move the conversation topic

I sit down on my bed, and tap the spot next to me so he'll do the same. I want to be comfortable for such an uncomfortable topic.

"Long story, you sure you have the time?
Also, you should forgive yourself, I know it wasn't you, so how about you show me the real you?" I say giving a sweet smile, and patting his hand with my own.

"You're deflecting, why are you hiding? You said you want to be trusted but you based yourself on a lie!"

"Look, Mr. Barnes, that's a loaded statement. Did you not see the way my brother looks at me? He hates me, and I can't say I blame him. I got all our parents love and in the end I got them murdered. I want to make my presence as easy as possible for him. So, I am giving him the power here." I reply stoically, trying to hide my obvious hurt.

"Y/N, you were barely five, you didn't get your parents killed. I'm the one who actually killed them and kidnapped you—sealing your fate... Did you not know the full story? I'm not shocked hydra chose to not tell you."

"Well they're not exactly known for their bouts of honesty..." I laugh out

"What I do know is that they wanted me and my parents died because of it." I then choke out, slowly losing my stoic demeanor.

"Hey, what's your drink of choice? This is going to be harsh and I want to allow you some kind of comfort."

"Well, seeing as how I've never drank before, I don't know." I laugh out

"Also, from what I've heard the serum makes it difficult to get drunk. I'm also not fragile, so just give it to me straight." I assert, regaining some of my composure back.

"Well, doll, your father, Howard Stark, worked with a group of people who were secretly Hydra. He worked with them in an effort to take Hydra down, and in turn signed a contract with them allowing them access to his weapons for access to their information on Hydra. He didn't seem to look over the contract very well though. Hydra knew about your mom's pregnancy with you, and decided to slip in a clause about you. He overlooked the fine print, which is where they staked their claim to you. The contract stated that once you turned of school age—5–that you would be relinquished into their custody. Your father was approached by hydra goons when you were two, they were checking in on you as they needed a report on your overall health. Howard was beside himself, he was screaming at them that he never agreed to anything of the sort. They knocked him around a bit then showed him the contract. That's about the time your dad seemed to step up, with you that is, and began to be present. He kept his dirty little secret to himself up until he couldn't anymore. You, and your mom were victims to your father's deceit, and shady and sloppy business tactics." Bucky explains, ending with a sad smile and a hand on my shoulder. He gave it a slight squeeze to try and offer comfort.

"Tony too..." I whisper

"Yeah, I guess he was too." Bucky sighs

"Does Tony know?" I ask
Bucky looked down, dropping his hand from my shoulder, giving me my answer.

I know from experience that Tony's pretty quick to anger. Him and dad used to fight over the simplest of things. If he finds out what Bucky "did" it'll start a civil war... He's good at holding grudges.

"So, as it turns out we both have dirty little secrets, huh?" I breathe out, and nudge his shoulder trying my best to lighten the darkened mood.

"Yeah..." he sighs and I can tell he's truly suffering.

"Hey, look at me! I've spent about only thirty minutes with you and it's enough to tell me you're nothing like the evil they tried to make you out to be. You carry this burden of guilt, and I'm asking you to hear me when I say this isn't on you. I don't know what you went through, but I know hydra well, and they're ruthless. They don't hold back and they don't care one bit about their 'weapons'.
You, Bucky Barnes, are a good man!
Your secrets safe with me. I hope mine is just as safe with you." I breathe out confidently to the broken man.

He locks eyes with me and nods. I pull him into a side hug and just let him cry it out. After five minutes he pulls away, and straightens out.

"Thank you." He whispers

"Of course." I reply with a sweet smile

"So... I need you to listen now. Tony's going to try and turn everyone against me. I need you to hear him out, and follow the direction the team goes. If they're cold, you follow suit. We can be secret friends." I sadly smile at him

"No way! I'm not mistreating you for his pathetic little ego." He all but shouts at me

"Hey, it'll be okay. You won't break me if it came to that. I have faith that over time everyone will see me for me and not as whatever Tones tells them to think. I also believe he'll come around to me eventually. No matter what happens I'll be okay. I also believe in time he'll come around, I know deep down that he loves me. Also, I know Fury's got something up his sleeve. He didn't pull Romanoff off to his office for nothing. He'll have informants giving him feedback on my life here. He's kind of obsessed with me." I try to reassure him I'll be okay, and end my speech with a wink.

"I don't think Tony has a right to treat you badly. You were only ever a kid and you've suffered for years. I'll respect this request for now, but if it gets out of hand I'm ending it—and him. You deserve just as much peace Y/N!"
He replies back to me as he stands to leave.

"Thanks Barnes. See you around." I say with a wave.

"Anytime doll.." He says as he departs with a smile.

Well, that was a lot of new pieces to the puzzle that I didn't ever expect to get. I collapse back onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. I think all of this warrants a pre-dinner nap.

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