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BULLETS IN A quiet neighbourhood was never a good sign. It usually meant gang wars in more dangerous areas, robberies in richer areas, and in a place like this?

  It meant rescue for Io. Which she supposed was a good sign. Though considering the fact she was in a room with her completely unpredictable father and at least two Falcons in nearby vicinity, she suddenly wasn't so sure about this plan.

  Her father rose from his seat. "Your friends, Iolanthe?"

  Iolanthe let her mouth twist into a vicious grin.

  "I'd take that as a yes." He sighed. "Would you like to go join them?"

  Io blinked, unsure how to respond to the unexpected question. He smiled sadly at that, tilting his head. "I don't work for the Meliqueans, girl."

  "This is a trick."

  "It's not a trick," he replied, sitting back down slowly. "Your friends carry guns. I believe some of them are wiccai. I am a tired old man who hasn't picked up a sword or anything akin to that in about twenty years. The point is I'm rusty and I just want to live."

  Was there no loyalty in her father's bones? Or did he truly do everything for his own profit, for his own survival? How on earth was she related to him? They were so different. How could he think they were alike? She'd never have the guts, the evilness to do half the things he'd done. Because when she loved someone she protected them. She did everything she could to keep them safe. He destroyed them. He destroyed them and told himself he'd done the right thing.

  Monster, monster, monster.

  And you're the daughter of the monster, are you not? Blood cannot be denied.

  "They're paying you."

  He raised his brow. "Are you trying to get me to keep you here? I'd assume Voronin and Seo have already gone to deal with this little... infiltration. It's a small house. I cannot stop you even if I tried."

  "The children." Io had already brought out the small, thin blade she always kept with her and began slowly sawing through the ropes keeping her bound. "I'm not going anywhere without the children. We are not going anywhere without the children."

  "That, I'm afraid, I cannot do."

  "They're in the house. We'll find them anyways."

  "Go find them, then. But me, I've been paid to keep the kids away from you. And I intend on keeping that promise, yes? Or no one will trust me in the future and I won't be paid to do anything else. Go now, I see your blade. If I come and untie you would you stab me? If not I'll do that and hasten your escape."

  Io thought about it for a split second. "If you try anything—"

  "I know you hate me, and I do not agree with what you've done with your life, but you are still my daughter."

  The thing was that Io had no intention of letting her father go free like he expected to. First chance she had after this was all done was to haul him back to Sai. He could stand trial for breaching the terms of his exile—he'd purposefully infiltrated in political matters and stood opposed to a Saian agent. He wouldn't be killed, but he'd probably be jailed and live under house arrest for the rest of his life.

  That would keep him damned out of trouble. She wouldn't be needing to run around town all day trying to clean up his messes. He didn't deserve that.

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