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  THE WORDS ON the note were mocking, cold, messy handwriting with sinister undertones. The threat was clear. If you wish to see your children again, quit the race before it's too late. Accompanied by two locks of hair.

  Bailen sat on the couch, eyebrows creased, worry written all over his face. This was his children's life being threatened, after all. He'd received the note earlier today in his mail. No mailer, only the recipient and the message scribbled on the small parchment of paper. Untrackable.

Anita and Celinos studied the paper now, holding it up, trying to search for clues. It was cheap paper and cheap ink. Someone low on funds. They could probably eliminate anyone of the aristocracy and Bailen's political enemies that way. It wouldn't be them, they'd use more expensive writing instruments.

  Had to be Meliquean supporters then. If only they'd all been wiped out or at least imprisoned. Io glared at the paper, head perched on her palm, elbow against the table. Her legs were crossed, the picture of callousness.

  Constanza asked, "Anything?"

  Anita replied, "Whoever sent it was short of funds."

  Io, who had deduced that with a simple look and one touch, rolled her eyes. Louis didn't seem impressed either, which marked the first time they'd agree with each other for at least a little while.

  Celinos shrugged, "It's a group of people. Each person took turns writing a single character to compose this message, so they're trying to maintain anonymity."

  Io had gotten tired of their snail's pace. Swinging her legs down, she walked over, scanning the paper much more carefully this time. "Eight different handwritings." She tapped the table with one manicured nail. "At least eight people. This is some remaining Meliquean faction we overlooked. Any ideas?" She looked around. Nothing came to mind, but then again she'd been out of commission so long it wouldn't surprise her if she had missed some information.

  One glance at everyone else's equally perplexed expression though, and Io knew she wouldn't be getting anything. Someone under the radar. Somebody who'd patiently waited for an entire year before striking.

  It didn't take a genius to realise that Bailen might actually cooperate with their demands if it meant his children being safe and sound. And they could not risk that. He was too crucial to the future of Vayante, too much of a symbol. It would be difficult to find someone who inspired as much confidence as him as a replacement any time soon. He was the rising star.

  Had to be kept in the race. But Io was not going to let the children be sacrificial lamb either. And if this got out, that Bailen chose political ambition over his own blood and flesh, it wouldn't precisely be good press. They needed to keep Bailen's reputation squeaky clean above it all. Right now, even with the kidnapping in the press, Bailen was the victim. But they had to proceed carefully.

  "Nothing?" she demanded, tilting her head.

  Glumly, Constanza replied, "Nothing really comes to mind."

  Io's shoulders sagged in exasperation. "Bloody hell. Who sent the message?"

  "A young boy. We already questioned him, someone paid him coins to take it to Bailen's. Tried finding the person who fit his description but we couldn't." Anita shrugged. She looked quite tired. Probably had been up and about since the message had been received, trying to solve the crime before it was too late. Before people got hurt.

  So far, no success.

  "What was the description?" Louis asked, crossing his arms. "Did it fit anyone of interest?"

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