Chapter 25

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Willow's POV

When me and Mush got back we quietly walked through the front door not knowing if Todd was in bed already "Hey, look!" Mush said turning my attention towards the living room. I saw Spot sprawled out on the sofa with Todd cuddled up beside him as they held onto each other tightly, "There adorable!" I said trying to hold my giggle in as we put a blanket over them not wanting to disturb there slumber. We went upstairs and got changed into pyjamas before heading to bed, you woke up in the middle of the night to someone talking you realised Mush wasn't beside you, confused and curious you quietly walked into the hall and looking down stairs to find at the bottom of them Mush was whispering onto someone on the phone
"Yeah come over later tomorrow she won't be home!" You hear Mush say before putting down the phone. You see him now walking upstairs so you quickly get back into bed and pretend to be asleep as he gets in beside you and cuddles you till the morning. You wake up the next morning thinking of the events that happened last night you were curious but you left it alone, "how'd ya sleep?" Mush says smiling at you "Peacefully, like I always do!" You reply giving him a kiss on the cheek "Let's go see how it's going downstairs en!" He says while we both walk downstairs to find Todd and Spot sitting at the kitchen table eating bread "What are yous doing awake?" I say giving Todd a kiss on the head "We woke up hungry!" Spot said while shoving bread into his mouth
"Well I got to get some food so I'll see ya later!" I said while grabbing a piece of bread before leaving. I went out to some shops getting supplies but I couldn't stop thinking about that phone call, who was he talking too? Who was coming over? And why wait till I wasn't there? I know I shouldn't of heard it but I did and now I won't be able to get it out of my head. A couple hours who by and I'm heading home when I noticed Jack in a wood shop so I thought I'd go in and say hi
"Jack watcha doing in here?" I said
"Oh um hey Wills I'm just getting some wood for ma house!" He said startled by my presence
"Oh white wood?" I said confused no house in New York would need white wood
"Yeah uh..." he said looking back at the wood
"Sarah, likes white..." he said awkwardly
"Oh well I guess I'll catch ya later!" I said while waving goodbye
"Yeah see ya!" He replied
I thought it was strange why Jack was so startled seeing me but just like the other weird situation I decided to ignore it, I came home to find a cigar on the bookshelf in the living room
"Mush!" I shouted
"Yeah, sunshine?" He said while waking go to the living room
"Why's there a cigar here?" I asked
"Oh, uh must of been Spots!" He said looking worried and shocked
"Oh...but Spot doesn't smoke cigars" I said
"Yeah well people try new things everyday!" He said taking the cigar and putting it in his pocket.
Everyone was acting strange, but why? Only person I know who smoked cigars was Racetrack but if he was here then why would Mush pretend he wasn't? Everything was getting weirder, Mush was spending more and more money everyday and wouldn't tell me why, he even stared to lock the empty cupboard in the hall. I started to get suspicious, why was he doing of all this? One day he told me to get dressed and that we're going somewhere sunny, I got dressed into a white float dress and met him downstairs "come on!" He said smiling we walked to the Brooklyn bridge and then he covered my eyes as we walked a bit further. Suddenly we stopped "ok open!" He said I opened my eyes and saw the newsies and Todd all surrounding us we were at the beach "remember this place?" Mush asked "Of course I do it's where we told each other our's where we had our first kiss!" I said smiling
"Willow..." Mush said

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