Chapter 10 - No compromise (Sadie)

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I opened my eyes to darkness. Upon a second blink, street and market lights grew into focus. A familiar face hovered over mine, too close for my liking. His facial muscles relaxed when our eyes met, and he backed off. My fingers twitched as a sticky substance coated my hand. Was I bleeding?

I brought my palm to my nose, but it smelled like mango.

Ice cream.


When I tried to sit up, the world rushed around me and blackened again, but not before a warm embrace encircled me as the surrounding noise grew hazy.

"Sadie." His voice was a distant whisper.

How many times had I woken up to that sound or been reassured by it? I couldn't focus on that because what he'd done last eviscerated all his past support.


"Go away," I muttered. I jerked back, my awareness slowly returning.

"Not until I know you're okay. You hit your head."

Just my luck. This guy looked like a hero for lingering, even though he'd caused the fall. A dull throb came from my brain to confirm his words.

I sighed and opened my eyes. A few people stared at us as they passed, but otherwise, we hadn't drawn a crowd. I scooted free of him. "I'm okay."

"Where are you staying?"

"Nice try. Not falling for that."

He readjusted his black-framed glasses. "I'm only helping you get home. Are you staying with anyone?"

He had no right to know who was in my life. "I don't like these invasive questions."

He massaged his forehead before meeting my gaze. "And I want to know I'm leaving you with someone who can help if your condition gets worse. More than just a dorm mate you've talked to twice who won't care how long you're passed out on the bottom bunk."

I didn't miss his need to assert how right he was, and I stayed quiet, unwilling to tell him anything about Tiger. Neil was not in a state to meet my ex or take care of me, and to be honest, I dreaded facing him.

Confessing I had romantic feelings for him had taken enough guts, and his complete lack of response hurt. If I showed up woozy, he might not even notice or care if he was in his Ally melancholy bubble. Not that I could blame the guy. I would have been a wreck if Derek had found someone months after our split. I'd known he was sleeping around post-breakup, but that was different. No part of that aspect of our relationship appealed to me.

"I can walk back. It's fine." Artie and Helen would let me stay for a cuppa if I needed space to build up my courage to face Neil.

"You passed out twice, Sadie. Please, let me drive you home."

I sat up slowly and remained quiet, hoping my stubbornness would send him on his way, but he stayed. It was a good quality for a nurse, but annoying in an ex I wanted to avoid.

"Can I bring you to the hospital?"

I shook my head, which was growing clearer. I wasn't about to blow my hard-earned money on an insurance deductible or risk not being covered unless I was on death's doorstep. If Derek's first instinct wasn't to send me there, I must be fine. He'd seen me fall and worked in the medical field.

"Three options, Sadie: home, hospital, or my hotel. I care about you too much to let you pass out alone in the dark."

I had a few nasty lines about how he could oust me from our two-year relationship and reappear to claim he gave a shit, but all I managed was, "Your hotel?"

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