Chapter 7 - Snuggles and Snubbies (Neil)

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I sat in my camp chair at the town campground we'd called home for a month now with a warm coffee in hand. On our days off, Sadie slept till just after ten, and I'd pick up our drinks for that time despite her insistence we didn't need them. However, I'd received an exciting text this morning and rushed to get them, croissants, and yogurt parfaits at seven, knowing they'd ease her into a good mood even at the early hour.

"Sadie," I called out.

A groan came from her gray and scarlet tent. "Not today, Tiger. It's our day off."

"I have news you'll like."

The tent rustled. "Did we win the lottery?"

"I don't think non-residents are eligible, not to mention we didn't purchase tickets."


"Sorry, remember Trisha from the whale watching company?"

"The brunette, right? She was sweet. Did she ask you out?"

I wasn't sure whether to be encouraged that Sadie was interested in my dating life or discouraged by her optimistic tone that I might start seeing someone. Since we'd arrived in Broome and I'd freaked her out with the skinny dipping conversation, I'd tried to respect her boundaries and keep more space between us. Gone were the days of holding her when she trembled or staring into her eyes with a giddy smile. She seemed fine with it, and I was used to it, though my mind liked to plague me with scenarios of what could have been.

"No, but she texted me about two discounted seats on today's tour if you want them. See the snubbies." Those dolphins were adorable, and it was the right time of year for a sighting.

"Quite discounted?"

"She'll knock off forty dollars each because the cancellation was this morning and they want to fill the boat." The perks of having connections in the tourism industry, although I'd sent enough of our hotel guests their way to have earned that.

Sadie unzipped the window to the fly of her tent. I found her dishevelled hair endearing and wanted to run my hands over the pieces defying gravity, but I resisted. "How soon do I have to be up?"

"We need to arrive at the shop at eight."

She looked down at her lap and sighed, then squinted at me. "Is that coffee and breakfast?" When I nodded, a grin lit up her face alongside the soft morning sun. "I don't know if I can go back to travelling alone with you spoiling me like this."

My stomach somersaulted, but it was probably because I hadn't eaten yet. "Don't worry. We're nowhere near completing our lists. I'm not going anywhere unless you ask me to."

Her smile held the same gentle warmth as the rising sun. "I'd be a fool to give this up."

After breakfast, we arrived at the shop early so Trisha could ring us through. The woman laughed far more than the average person and constantly readjusted her hair.

When I'd mentioned that to Sadie in the past and suggested Trisha wear it up or cut it shorter, Sadie had thrown her head back and laughed, telling me the woman was flirting with me. The action showed off her neck and earrings. Her shirts weren't the most modest, which held some appeal, but she'd grab my arm without asking every time we ran into each other, and she wore a perfume that made her smell more like fruit than a person.

Trisha brushed her hand against mine as she returned my credit card. "Here you are, luv."

I fought the urge to cringe. "Thank you for thinking of us this morning and for the discount. It's very generous of you."

She batted her long eyelashes, which accentuated her hazel eyes. "I hope you get lucky on the tour, and if you want to have drinks later, you have my number."

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