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This is me trying to show what happened in one of the first times I shifted to this Dr! I hope you enjoy me trying to write a story about it :/

I had to pass on this vocabulary test so I could   go on a mission with my parents, at this time the world knew who I was. I was a 17 year old girl, about to graduate, but instead of being normal I was black widow and captain America's daughter. I'm supposed to be smart right?

I don't want to turn it over. My palms go clammy. I breathe. I count. I breathe and count, I'm very sweaty. The teacher slowly hands me back my test packet. At the top there is a big D+. My heart slams hard, pounding like I'm running from my whole life. It's an anxiety attack, I've had it a lot of times, but not in class. My hand shakes and my skin gets itchy, like ants are climbing on my arms, and I want to pull everything off! I pop out of my chair, I can't remember my calming strategies. My teacher was about to yell at me when I slammed the room door. At this point I barely know what I'm doing, I just RUN. After some running I'm in front of Mr. Sinclair's office, the especial Ed counselor. I just open the door like crazy. He looks at me with wide eyes, "Sophia, Soph! Slow it down, everything is alright!" He says. I sink under the chair. My vision blurs. Limbs shake. It's hard to swallow.

"You are hyperventilating," He says and I weakly nod.

"Head down! One-two-three-in... one-two-three-out." He counts. After some time, I'm finally able to breath normally again.

"What happened?"

I shrug, helpless. "Vocabulary test returned,"
He nods. "I got a D+," Breath. "It's not good enough." Two breaths. "I'm probably not going to the mission with my parents..."

Mr. S kneels on the rug in front of me.
"What is out strategy here?" He asks.
I shake my head. There are no thoughts in my head, no strategies, no option. Zero, zip nada. Only a BIG red stop sign, blocking everything.
He leans over to his desk and picks up his phone.

"Do you wanna call mom?"

"Hmm.." I nod, tears almost streaming down, but I can't cry. I won't cry. Not in front of him, I can only do it when I'm with mom and dad.
The phone starts to ring...

"Hey Mrs. Rogers, it is the special Ed counselor, Mr.Sinclair. I'm here with your daughter, she needs to talk to you."
He hands me the phone and I take it off speaker, and put it on my ears, mouthing a
'Thank you'.

"Hello baby, are you ok? Is it an anxiety attack"

"I- um- yeah... I got a uh D+" I stutter.

"Well, детка I'm on a meeting right now but as soon as I'm done I'm coming to pick you up, 20 more minutes. Do you thing you can wait, or do you want me to come now?"

"No it's fine I can uh wait."

"Ok.. Look just know, you are a very smart girl... you have super strength like your papa and the skills of your mama... Not only that, you are an amazing daughter, and it's ok to get some things wrong you know... That is what makes you special! Tell you what, you are going on the mission and we are going for late night ice cream afterwards! я люблю тебя так сильно (I love you so much) , I gotta go now, see you soon!"

Before I could speak I heard a male voice in the background. It was dad.

"Love you honey!" He shouted through the phone.

"Love ya too!" I laughed and hanged up.

"Are you alright?" Mr. S asks.

"I'm good.. Thank you!"

I hug him, he is the nicest person in the school.

"I better go wash my face before mom picks me up!" I smile and run to the bathroom.


Soooo, I kinda tried to explain what happened, hope I did ok, since i can't really remember... it was a long time ago lol. I actually did not write myself to have anxiety bc ofc, who wants it? But i guess the anxiety just came from childhood trauma? Maybe thinking things that happened to her mom would happen to her... idk. But I just hope you like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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