My character!

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Before I start, most of my character has been inspired by Sophia La Corte, I'm OBSESSED with her TikTok and Instagram! Sooo... my dr self's looks, the way I talk, my style etc, will all be inspired by HER.

Here are some pics of her:

Here are some pics of her:

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Anywaysss, Here is a description of my Dr self:

Sophia is a very extrovert girl, she is 20 years old and lives at the compound with the avengers and her parents. Steve and Natasha have a home in New Jersey that they often go to on the weekends for some family alone time. Sophia is always going on lunch dates with her mom all around New York & Jersey. Nat got pregnant with her at 19 right after she started working for shield and cap was off the ice. [ Nat Nat was about to be sterilized, but got saved by Clint before she could, and cap was out of the ice earlier] currently nat is 39 and happy with her little family! Soph explores NY with her best friend, Morgan Stark. [ who is 17, and ofc tony had her when he met pepper ] Sophia has severe anxiety, her favorite subject in school is chemistry and gym. She has some archery skills [clint taught her] and knows a lot of hand- to - hand combat. Since she was born she was supposed to be hidden from the world, but someone caught her mom out and ofc leaked a picture, there were so many rumors that Natasha and Steve could not take it and decided to reveal to the world that Captain America and Black widow had a daughter together.

Here is kind of what I think her shield file would look like :

Name: Sophia Romanoff- Rogers

Born: February 10, 2003, New York, NY U.S.A

Parents : Natalia Alianovna Romanova,
Steven Grant Rogers

Grandparents: Sarah Rogers, Joseph Rogers

Height: 5' 7 " ft.

Eye color: green/blue

Phone number: 212-970-4133

Home address: Avengers Tower, 200 Park Avenue, Midtown Manhattan.

Also, every time I see a TikTok I think my character would do I save it!

~~~~~Also, every time I see a TikTok I think my character would do I save it!

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Yes I have many saved videos 😭
( 4/13/22 Update: I now have 1000 💀)

For now I think this is it for this chapter! See u on the next one!!!

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