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Vampire Lore:

Sample: There are several types of vampires in our world, but the most common among us are the biological vampires known as Homo sanguine. They branched off of a common ancestor to humans relatively recently, and are as closely related to humans as dogs are to wolves. However, much like a cobra in comparison to other snakes, they are a species that has a specialized diet. Living vampires are a nocturnal species and have sensitivity to the sun.

Shapeshifter Lore:

Sample: Shapeshifters are humanoids that have innate magic in regards to shapeshifting into a singular animal. Normally, they live in packs of which consist of the same kind of animal. However, this has changed in recent years, and mixed packs are becoming more common in the twenty-first century. Shifters are one with their animal form, there are no separated minds like in some myths. They share a common ancestor with humans and vampires, and are related to the two like dogs to wolves. Homo metamorphus is their official species name.

Faerie Lore:

Sample: The most powerful humanoids of the fae realm (see section) are known as Faeries. The most important thing one should know about this species is their obsession with a good story. The world is a book to all faeries, and depending on which faerie you speak with will determine which outcome they favor in a story. Some want tragic endings, and some want happy endings. It's those of which want tragedy that one should avoid wholeheartedly, for the stories they watch and create always involve real people. They often step between the barrier of the fae realm and Earth to find more stories, or lure others into their realm.

Dragon Lore:

Sample: Dragons are gigantic reptilian lizard or snake-like beasts that have intelligence on par with and sometimes beyond humanoids. These beings of legend used to be much more common on Earth, however a great sickness exterminated most of their population. All is most definitely not lost, however. Rumor has it that their population is bouncing back, and a cure for the fey sickness that butchered most of them has been obtained. The tale of this adventure is surely a mighty one. In addition to this, a lost city of dragons has also been found but is currently unreachable due to the very strong magical blocks around said city. No doubt some heroes will be attempting to access it at some point.

Dragons originated on Earth and are not modified by either the underworld or fae realm. They had societies more advanced than humanoids at their peak. 

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